
How do they get passed the signal attenuation over fiber longer than 3km? Are there relays every so often, or are these edge links just super strong to over come it?

Unlocked bootloader??!??!?! Please?!?!?

I loved Mirrors Edge. I performed the never fired a shot a human achievement but never got it!!!!!!!!! I fired one bullet to break a window. I am lost on that game now. it has angered me and made me sad :( I'll still pick this sucker up though :D

I see this ending badly. Anyone remember the train wreck that was Tabula Rasa?

Excellent explanation! Thanks :)

Seeing that inner workings now, makes me wonder. What is the point of the mirror then? It looks like it just blocks the shutter and really does nothing. I've never owned an SLR before or really know anything about photography other than point camera at thing, and press button. So if someone could explain?

about US$30,000

As long as quality and responsiveness is up to snuff I am OK with this if it allows you to throw in a PS3 disc and rather than read it from the disc it will stream it for free. If Sony says buy this game you already own, well screw you Sony! I have 50 PS3 games that I play regularly and there is no way I am buying

I will not buy it if its true. I don't really buy used games as I'm one of those day one kind of people. BUT I do like to trade games with friends and play something they got that I couldn't. That would block this too.

$400? Day one purchase.

Good job Microsoft. I loved my xbox, but no more. My friends like swapping games out all the time with each other. Guess thats not an option. No more xbox for me. I'm selling my current one, and sticking with ps3/4

This happens to me and Apple Products. Shame really. I want an ipad pretty badly, but cant touch one. I've even been removed from an Apple store because of my curse. Computers, iphones, ipads, ipods, can't touch a single one. They break within seconds of me touching it. 2 of the ipods that I touch bricked by changing

I'm positive the touch pad will not be on the front. It will be on the back like the Vita has. There is no reason for it to be on the front and its in suck a stupid spot it will be rendered useless after the first release games that Sony told the Devs to use it or die. On the back, thats a good spot for easy access

Am I the only one who thought Dishonored kinda sucked? It was short and a crappy story. :S Gameplay was meh as well.

I started in the first round of closed beta, it was a buggy pile of shit then. It has grown by leaps and bounds, it almost doesnt feel like the same game. Log in again :)


"Way faster" isn't exactly hard on this app. Facebook on my GNexus takes about 2-3 minutes to load, and about 5 minutes to load a damn picture.

Why would They even make a phone now-a-days without LTE??!??!?! the Galaxy Nexus had it, as do most phones on the market now. This is simply stupid.

Bookmark in chrome. Syncs to phone. Done.

Whoa! Looks great! Crazy to know thats a transplant. Looks totally normal