
Sexy wrestling matches.

I spend 90% of my time on the internet and and know every meme out there and every type of social media. Why haven't I heard of pinterest?

Well not quite. The Vita has a variation of the Cell running it. Not quite the same thing but the dev tools are nearly identical and performance wise as well. I really wouldn't be surprised if Sony did make a cell 2, or

Measured in picoseconds now

Check out Skyrim Pro Guide on Android Market. Its free and pretty darn good.

Out sourcing, marketing, and yes salaries. 90% of studios outsource a lot of QA and art assets to various companies and that is expensive. Marketing typically is 25-30% of a titles budget (Ridiculous!!!!!!!) and the number of people required to make a fully polished AAA title in what... 12-18 month cycle? A lot.

Gazelle offered $35 for my OG Droid. Perfect screen just a scratch on a corner of the case. Rather keep it and use it as a dev box. I'll see what Verizon offers.

Darn it. Just setup google wallet and rooted my phone. Luckily I dont plan on ever loosing sight of my phone ever.

If you have unlimited now and you renew you will have unlimited still. But now on 4G! Still unlimited.

They never did. Verizon was always true unlimited until they axed it.

"with weapons that degenerate over time" Nope. Will not buy. Worst feature in a game ever.

Its been done.

Stuff of nightmares right there.

I just picked up a set of Plantronics Gamecom 780. Holy crap are these things good. Audio is crystal clear and perfectly balanced. it says virtual 7.1 but I dont see any difference at all between that and stereo. But for $80 for a Dolby and pro logic II certified headset....damn. Things are nice. Durable too.

Gantz was one of the weirdest/coolest mangas then anime I have read/seen. Now I need to find the live action one!

At first I thought that was a RL item made from an item found in Fallout. Then I read the thread and I giggled. Then I wondered if radium does really glow blue O_O off to google!

My hate is directed at the battery life of the controller and the lack of ergonomics in the controller. Something that big simply cannot be comfortable to use for a nice gaming session, and with a battery life, I'm guessing is about 3-5 hours, not that good for a nice marathon gaming session without going back to the

@Jones Foyer

darn comment system. meant to reply.