In 1991, Codemasters released one of the greatest racing/party games of all time: Micro Machines. Despite a few…
In 1991, Codemasters released one of the greatest racing/party games of all time: Micro Machines. Despite a few…
Track: OM | Artist: NehruvianDOOM | Album: NehruvianDOOM
somehow I couldn't enjoy a F-Zero game since the original back in 1991. WipEout, on the other hand, I've loved every one, except 64 and Fusion.
Track: Sabbath Hex | Artist: Orange Goblin | Album: Back From The Abyss
Here's Xeodrifter, a new game from the Nintendo-friendly indie studio Renegade Kid, who are perhaps best known for…
We've been slaying lots of orcs lately around the Kotaku office/converted anti-orc nemesis death fortress…
Designer Eleanor Lutz used high-speed nature footage, Photoshop, and Illustrator to map the wingbeats of five…
If you've played Ninja Gaiden II, you know that it's a game that's pretty tough on its third-hardest Mentor…
haven't even watch the video yet, but had to jump in immediately to say it's great to see you back. Now to the video.
Welcome back, Leo! It's been too long!
The inertia of the vehicles (i.e., the floatiness) is what distinguishes Wipeout from other futuristic racers, and learning how to use it to your advantage in maneuvering is the key to mastering these games. It's an attempt at representing the motion of hovering vehicles with greater verisimilitude than the…
Videogames foretell the future again?
These are in fact, fruiting Metroid spores.
Relic's space strategy game Homeworld, one of the all-time greats, is getting a long-overdue remake so that it runs…
Last night, I stayed up really late playing Diablo III. The internet here is spotty at best. I played a bunch of Di…
Good stuff! Two new bands I like now!
Track: Towers | Artist: Asteroid | Album: II
Finally, an RPG with the balls to DELETE YOUR SAVE FILES.
We must never forget the sacrifices of Jellyfish. She shall go on in our hearts and minds as a true hero and friend.