
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

It was majestic. Like an orchestral performance that consisted of nothing but the timpani player bludgeoning the conductor.

cant wait till my generation takes over. al this nonense about video games being the cause of all this bs will no longer be a thing... now if only i werent so worred about what terrible parents theyde be...

Don't be mad when you 720p on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put Bing on it

The thing is they'd have to wait three years and then review it.

"He should get life or hanged by his balls"

What the fuck does the Vita have anything to do with this?

People complain that the Vita doesn't have any games.

Starred not just for truth but because you also managed to use something from the Monster Rancher anime. Gold star.

nice, Monster Rancher

People complain that the WiiUpad's screen is not necessary for playing a game.

Incorrect! X-3 will be a blitzball manager sim game with loose RPG elements and micro-transactions for boosts and uniform accessories. In jest, I have frightened myself.

Haha exactly. That's bullshit. Expecting the announcement at TGS.

The end of FFX-2 already wrecks everything that was beautiful about FFX, so I'm not really sure what you expected.

Right...setting up a major antagonist and leaving on a cliff hanger is just 'expanding the universe'. Gotcha.

So they wreck the original ending to our view of the universe, add a cliffhanger, and then tell us they're never going to act on that. Okay.


This sounds similar to my game Crush Birdy... Imma gonna sue youz!!!!

How odd, that sounds very close to the game I'm working on called "Fappy Candy". Though I'd bet our gameplay is probably quite different from each other.

Suing The Banner Saga makers for a "similar" name, while ripping games themselves.