
Super Turbo Turkey Puncher

Flappy bird was crucified because it was an unoriginal idea using art assets from a very popular game series. Goat simulator is completely original and bonkers.

But here's the difference... one is charming, the other one isn't.

No I got it. Worth it.

You should get a 3DS instead!

nah, pocket watches are cool :)

Is it bad that I ordered the collector's edition?

So what are we looking for from Japanese developers in RPGs?

You know what, fuck you internet and all you haters. Just fuck you.

Too bad I'm going to play it anyway

Still does to me.

Buy the OLED vitas now or forever hold your hee-ho

The game's been out for a LONG long time by now....

You mean Donte.

And the retro boo...ts.

I'm still waiting for Jezebel's view on how Flappy Bird represented the opression of women on this patriarchal society. And maybe some Gizmodo tutorial on how to create your own custom Flappy Bird app!

Denny's always has my back.

Hoo, that one really flew the coop.

RARE. Nexus 5 with Flappy Bird! $1500!

Or, you know, just download it off the internet.