
In every sense of the word, Mattrick's in jeopardy!

Can't help you there, other than to say the mute button is there if you need it.

The very last shot of FFX's ending showed a resurrected Tidus underwater, swimming up to the surface. Why does everyone forget this?

It's very easy to get 100% in X-2. Completion percentage carries over, and there's a total of about 130-140% to obtain (the game will never show anything higher than 100%, though). Go through one on Youth League and again with New Yevon, doing as much as you can each time, and that's a near-guaranteed 100%.

Couldn't be. He's far too illogical.

SimCity the doll! SimCity the lunchbox! SimCity the FLAAAAAME-THROWAAA!

Those are the ingame 3D models, not the sprites. The sprites look a lot better.

I almost thought it said "The Old Gods and the New" at first. I think I've been playing the CK2 Game of Thrones mod a bit too much :P

I don't care what anyone says - (ab)using Eagle Flight in parts 2 and 3 was one of my top gaming moments this year. So much fun swooping down on two enemies from a hundred feet away, then escaping to the roof of a three-story building just as quickly. I spent much more time just screwing around in the streets of

There's getting burned on a deal, and then there's getting BURNED on a deal.

I don't think that's what's been holding that game up so much as EA forcing Dice to make Battlefield X+1 every year.

Implying the 3DS only has a single game worth getting.

We're doing best logos here. Best.

A shame of clones.

No, EA/Maxis, this is not okay. At all.

Actually, most of the PC crowd thinks this is the superior version. No always-online? No real-money auction house (or even the gold AH)? No contest: you guys win this one.

Some of us's a little more complicated than that.

(If you're wondering about the city in my pic, by the way, go here. Figured that would be a perfect send-up. Makes for some funny wallpaper too)

I'm more concerned about the hilariously-small city sizes myself. Yes, always-online is a drag, but what's the point of a CITY simulator where some people can't even make a scale reproduction of their own neighborhoods?!

I lost it every time the "pizza cutter" was brought up.