Yup gamepass is freaking awesome! so many great games & its always being updated every month with even more great games.
Yup gamepass is freaking awesome! so many great games & its always being updated every month with even more great games.
Hey what are you trying to do? Get someone fired :p
Yeah i read the kotaku article and wish someone would animate the NASA communication from apollo to ground control about rogue poops floating in the apollo cabin...
What about toilets? Are there toilets we can sit on in no man sky, or do we just go in our space suits like futuristic animals?
Well they got to use it for something, since there not using the whole thing in the new game, might as well throw it at someone..
I hope they throw the national pokedex at him!
Yeah ive tried that while playing the witcher 3(the only game) and it helps, but i feel like full VR depending on the frame rate might make it worse?
The whole upper lip and teeth look fake ass shit.
Why they couldnt use a fake mustache still bloggles the mind? No we'll just waste MILLIONS on cgi to remove it, and no one will ever be the wiser...
Nope, cause assholes are the one’s that seem to succeed & win in life.
Well because if im going to be starting from a new save i might as well start it on a system i play most on & gameshare on.
Only cause of PSVR & it was built for PS4, other wise they are pretty much all the same depending on your preferred gaming platform.
Also hows the VR?
Well i really want to get back into the game but i lost my save(along with a shit load more) on PS4 and dont know if i should restart on ps4 or just wait and get the game for my xbox 1?
Yeah its wearing a mask or its wearing yellow paint, either way its the same dog still.
Yeah can they please make another NFS nost wanted? Everyones been asking for a sequel since the first game and EA like usual keeps releasing shit no one wants.
There the same, just repainted and tweaked....
Also looks like a street fighter background, or any 2d fighter background for that matter....
Yeah these are great and all, the only problem i see is they've got to make them for cheap & of quality, whie keeping it affordable for those wanting to buy them...
It makes a difference somewhat for somethings, but on other things like the map or gear it still seems to take its time cause that how bungie made it?