Sir E

I’m glad you said “usually”, because it’s not a universal truth. HBO Max, for example, definitely runs better on PS5 and PS4Pro than on a Roku Premiere.

Oh yeah, I remember that well. That was actually especially egregious because they never really said how long any of that stuff would be exclusive and then one day like 2-3 years later they were just like “here’s your stuff XBox players.” That sucked.

Even as a PS owner for three console generations now: console exclusivity sucks.

this is the first time ive seen “worked well” and “fallout 76" at the same time lol

And yet no word on a single player expansion, fun! Ballad of Gay Tony spoiled us, it was so good. 

Hey, here’s an idea Rockstar: Maybe just make a new game? Controversial, I know.

I don't know if sheldon cooper would be proud or disappointed 🤣

I only stay on the sidelines of these things, but it really seems like Twitch has become MTV. The spontaneity that grew the brand has become scripted.

“Yeah, I think you *MAY* have misunderstood the purpose of cat5....”

Yeah but he doesn't have to make it Silent Hill, he can make it his own IP. That's exactly what Iga did with Bloodstained, the game is Castlevania in everything except the name. 

Fuck Konami.

I’m really surprised a PT-esque horror game wasn't Kojima's first game after going out on his own. As long as it didn't resemble PT too closely I don't think there is any legal reason he couldn't do it. 

yep, their work environment is insane even by japanese standards (leaderboards posted in communal spaces in the offices that list the number of minutes various people spent on break, 70+ hour work weeks are the norm, etc.)

I worked for a certain big box home improvement company that used scheduling “rewards” for pushing credit card applications. The more people you got to apply, the more hours you could qualify for. Obviously, this was bullshit but it really sucked for the overnight restock people who were held to the same standard even

The servers are being shut down so this effects everywhere. The PlayStation store page has a warning about it.

There’s an easy solution here people. Stop buying 2k games.

Now playing

There is actually more than just this video, scattered on YouTube there are more gameplay videos he has made on fake youtube channels. I think there is a bigger mystery here:

they’re cats.