Sir E

Already have one, still to dam long for just loading the damn map sometimes...

Now if only they could speed up the loading time of the map screen on consoles?

Wish i could go back, but i dont have a pc or want to get sucked back into its crack like addicting world...

Yup sounds like minecraft 2 is in the works....

Yeah depends on the area, most walmarts near me have stop selling guns(minus bb guns) and when ive visited walmarts outside the los angels city limits ive seem them selling guns which for some reason always amaes me.

Don’t forget ghost hunters(mainly ghost adventures crew) use it to map in ghost on investigation...

Dam, now thats playing with power!

Sometimes a cat statue, is just a cat statue....

This is either someones dream come true or worst nightmare come to life. Either way at least there not zombie pikachu's!

Mmmm Ninka sounds delicious......

Wanna know what has done more damage to this country and any other country? The idiot Politicians. We should ban those.”

Videogames are not responsible for mass shootings or violence! You know who is, stupid people!

Yup they magically make it work! Dam fast food wizard's......

That and when McDs had 0.29 hamburgers & 0.39 cheese burgers on Friday’s, me and my friends would load up with bags of cheese burgers every week.

Dude all there dam burgers went up in price! Well at least in cali that is, which sucks cause they used to have decent prices.

Dam it, where can i give someone my cash for this in the states now?

Dam it, where can i give someone my cash for this in the states now?

Holy shit there not charging for water! Wow, that must suck for all those poor folks selling bottle water...

Can we please get a Tokyo drift 2?

Yeah i understand, plus im betting MS offered him a crazy fucking amount up front that would have been stupid not to take.

True, but this is amazon we are talking about, they could easily offer him truck loads of cash to bring him back....