Sir E

I dont see how there going to do this, they dont even employee enough people in there stores? Let alone pay them enough or give them hours?

That sounds like me, but at every dam store i happen to go too 😶

Well not enough for twitchs cheap @$$ to pony up? Guess this is why all those Mixer host got fired right after e3...

Omg imagine if belle delphine was doing this! That would be freaking hilarious if Ms belle delphine was an avatar and played by an over weight fat guy 😂😂😂😂

When has EA ever done anything right? It be a no brainer to put the sims on the switch, but EA is like no one wants it?

Wow, just wow...

Yeah what could possibly go wrong?

Yeah but pete rose bet on baseball and we all know how that ended, shouldnt the same be said for esport cheating? You cheat, you get banned for life!

thought maybe to make a roach clip....

Oh man, i need a account to take a poop in my own toilet! And freaking toilet paper requires a micro transactions fee!

Yah this guy ranks right up there with those ass holes i see parking in the red zone blocking traffic in the shopping lot parking lot so they can run into the bank and use the atm, when there to lazy to freaking find a parkong spot?

Depends on the area and neighborhood, since my older brother has these jackass people parking there pos trucks on the street in front of the drive way(right before it blocking tour veiw when trying to pullout) for months on end with out ever moving them or having valid up to date tags. We’ve reported it to parking

Yeah the ps4 UI isnt all that great either, lets just say deleting games and save flies from game i no longer had resulted in me losing all my saves!

I just want to see the 3d(third) one already damn it!

Where is all the classic Disney shows & old Disney movie’s they used to show on the Disney Channel back in the 80s & early 90s when u had to call Disney to get them?

“My controller somehow broke before the first map started and I call a ref immediately and he hands me a fucking paper clip...I’m so fucking hurt,”

Well looks like ill have more of a Reason to stop watching fox i guess? Only things lift for me on there worth watching are Bob’s burgers & Simpson’s.

Does a ghost or hologram count?

Fork! Why does the good place have to end!

Its becsuse they feel they can cheat the American nintendo fans by making them have to buy shit extra, instead of offering up.the same model as in Japan.