Will it require having Nintendo switch online to play said game online?
Will it require having Nintendo switch online to play said game online?
This or a live action tv show, either one would be great....
God dam it we need a new jet set radio game sega! Also a jet set radio tv show or movie wouldn’t be out of the question either after this great dam video 😜
Yeah it’s amazing how great this game sounded on paper, but there execution of the final game is baffling?
Oooh the humanity!
Ha! Bethesda couldn’t bother spending a few extra bucks on canvas begs the first time round, no way there going to spend a few on a test server...
Well it wouldn’t be a bungie / destiny game without some form exploit to exploit. 🐓
What no xbox one love?
Holy crap look at all that trash! Wtf is going on here, i thought in japan they threw away there trash and are very clean? Hell every picture or video of japan I’ve seen has alway been so clean and how they pride them selfs on not throwing trash everywhere like this...
Oh the halo 3 game fuel was good, i still have some in the aluminum bottle’s....
So its grape flavored and comes in the green mountain dew gamefuel can? Is this like mountain dew kickstart or is game fuel worse?
There saving all that for the turbo graphics 16 mini 2 release, since its Konami and they love to milk every last cent they can out of there catalog and customers....
Still, only two bonks out of the 4or 5 released? Ok maybe 3 bonk games since i think air bonk counts im guessing?
Yup sure are, and there a shit ton more out on the road every day thay dont even stream! There is not a day that i have to go out where no one runs a stop sign, runs a red light likes it green or drive over the speed limit in a residential street cause there in a hurry to go no where fast?
Only one freaking bonk adventure game! Well looks like Konami still not getting any of my money, not like they need it anyways....
The graphics kind of reminds me of unreal tournament?
Dude that freaking awesome! I love watching Hocus Pocus, because then you know Halloween's just around the corner 👻
Dude that freaking awesome! I love watching Hocus Pocus, because then you know Halloween's just around the corner 👻
It almost looks like skyrim, hell i was waiting for it to start playing the skyrim intro?
Id like too see that go to court, since no where did it say her used bath water from reading this article? From what i can read, she says she is selling her bath water and will send you a video of her bathing in the tub?
“Because in media terms it wasn’t “that bad”. The only thing “distasteful” about it was the location of a bathroom where everyone was clothed.”