Sir E

Exactly, how has he not gotten in trouble for the shit he pulled at e3?

Dam, want to get this game but having to pay for Nintendo online inorder to share and download levels is sort of BS!

Yeah im surprised cloak & dagger didnt get cancelled after the first season being a Freeform show? hoping it doesnt get cancelled after its 2nd season, but knowing Freeform and Marvel it might get a 3rd and final season.

Also any chance Mario Marker 2 will get dlc added to it to make new levels?

Sucks this only got 3 seasons, seem to be a thing for marvel shows these days?

Would love to pick this up and start making levels, but the fact you need to pay for the nintendo online subscription to share levels kind of turns me off. Sure its $20 for a year, but i dont play my switch a whole lot, or online and I feel like that be $20 wasted just so i could play and share levels...

Also why hasn’t Capcom remade/remastered or made a new FN Powerstone game with online play? Come on Ca$hcon, I mean Capcom, you’re remastering or porting everything else?

I want to see a remaster or remakenof red dog, highly under rated game!

Dam someone sure pissed of wired Al yankovic!

I could understand it being an accident walking in once while filming, but he went back i multiple times?

Oh what i wouldnt give for a mobile verison of sim tower! Would love to be able to play sim tower on my phone..

Yeah and for a platform trying to distance itself from the cam platform, they sure are doing a good job of adopting there platforms habits?

Yeah it sucks. but people have to live, and if you live in LA its especially expensive since everything taxed up the a$$ & the cost of living here sucks. So people try to get what they can, and they figure play testing a game wont be that bad and a good way to get your foot in the door at a game company, but in

Yeah its that grey area bullshit that companys can & do get away with this shit, especially uber since all there contractors are really just customers who work for them so they dont have to offer them benefits and better pay, aswell as other shit a normal paying job would...

“If you ever feel like your needs aren’t being met, please do not hesitate to communicate actively with your manager. No one should ever feel like they don’t have options, can’t talk openly, or that the only choice is to take their concerns to the public. These conversations should always start with an honest dialogue

Plus Trump doesnt care, he doesnt pay taxes.....

Sounds like uber bullshit shenanigans, and yet it still legal?

Yup, what do you expect from Amazon.....

So he doesnt even apologize for what he did or even seem one bit of sorry for doing what he did, yeah thats just fucking great twitch!