Sir E

So does this mean there a chance the banjo games could be released on switch? And just maybe other rare games that where only released for xbox, oh please let them release viva pinata on the switch....

E3 2019 is the year of 2020 releases.... 

Yes this would be awesome, would love to revisit the holyland with up dated combat & graphics from the newer assassins creed games...

I wish they remade/remastered this for xbox one like they did for the PC port.

Do they make one without the extra rubber?

Loved watching a couch give birth to a naked danny devito!

I want to know if i can find luther and recruit him in the game? I’d Love to see a idris elba character based on luther i can have join my Mary band of psycho, and go around London and kick ass....

Yeah but its on apple tv plus 😶

Well the way i read it, seemed like the free 1080p verison would get you a free chromecast or Stadia streaming device (which we dont know if they will or not) would be setup for failure since it would cost google money, but they could recoup that from the Stadia subscription, game sales, controller sales and ads off

Wait What! they cancelled statecraft ghost again!

Yeah true, or from the sales of games people buy off the service.

No it would only be a failure for google if they where going to give out free chromecast hardware ($20 a pop) for the 1080p option which would cost them money in the long run, giving out free software and services with ads would work just fine since it does with free to play games.

Why wouldnt it run thru googles streaming like they say it should? Its running off googles servers so there shouldnt be any hardware tax on what ever phone or tablet running it too, and should get you consoles quality graphics..

1080p with no games sounds like a great business model for failure...

I think she would need her own account, since your destiny 2 characters are link to your bungie account, which is then linked to your psn account.

Wow, cant even imagine playing destiny 2 on my phone! But it be hell a cool if it works like they say it should.

Yeah like no one saw it getting delayed....

While we continued to compete in various multiplayer stages, one of the PR people casually reminded us that the game would have online multiplayer.

Nope, a cease & desist game made in dreams....

Great, i guess these things just became the new ot thing in paper weights or just really expensive pet cubes...