Yes but everyone who works for Dunkin all get paid a fair wage from Dunkin donuts, and not get screwed out by the middle man like Uber is doing & getting away with..
Yes but everyone who works for Dunkin all get paid a fair wage from Dunkin donuts, and not get screwed out by the middle man like Uber is doing & getting away with..
They need to add this feature to new tvs, cable, because closed captioning from certain channels is a joke some times! I like to have it on while i watch because sometimes its hard for me to hear or understand whats being said, and it amazes me how much is lost in the closed captioning dialog compared to whats…
I wonder what games the ps4 EA Access subscription will have over the xbox one EA Access verison, if there will be any console exclusive games between systems.
Better yet, have them release half life 3!
Well when i first saw it, I thought it read as fleshlight, and it being purple and the way the lens looks like it can have something inserted doesnt help.
Yeah until they get bought out by the bigger player, cough *amazon* for retail and every freaking cellphone provider that's buying out the competition..
Reminds me of a switch pro controller, but the d pad and analog sticks switched around....
Hell I dont think if they gave out free booze with this game, it would get people to return.
What comic is that from? Im So intregue now and really need to find out how it ends...
Any chance final fantasy IX (and ff7 when released) gets a physical release for the switch? I know it’s been download only on moble and ps4, but I would much rather spend the extra for a physical cartridge, instead of another download version of the game I can easily just play on psp.
Downloaded it and tried to play for about 30 minutes, oh my is this game garbage! Controls even for a mobile game are trash, and that’s trying to give this game a fair shot.
I dont think they would like promoting small streamers off there hard work, I bet they would bitch about it just like everyone is about twitch playing ads of them(Pokimane,Ninja) on small streamers channels.
“but it’s still hard to envision a situation in which the trickle-down model championed by Twitch,”
I could never get into any expedition, none at all! everytime I load a expedition and the loading screen pops up, it just fucking freezes and wouldnt get past the frozen picture, hell if I didnt watch a video I would have never guessed there was a loading icon in the lower right hand corner of the game? Cause I never…
Thank you, yeah I dont know either?
Yup everytime I’ve tried, it loads the mission but then freezes on the load screen picture! I’ve left it load for 30 minutes while i watch tv and it’s just frozen when I get back, there also should be a freaking loading icon in the lower corner on this screen?
I haven’t been able to play an expedition yet. because everytime it loads in either free play or the multiplayer expedition it freezes on the loading screen and I have to quite and exit out the game? I’ve only been able to check out the hub area, as for the rest of the game in have no clue how that plays yet.
Thank you.
Ay chance of the demo being released to the public?
Next time I try and play the witcher 3 I’m going to get some ginger chew or try ginger ale while I play and see if that helps? I never get motion sickness from playing games but the witcher 3, holly shit using the witcher sence really fuck me up for some reason and I cant do shit after playing 30 minutes to and hour…