Sir E

The witch 3 gave me motion sickness while playing because of how the witcher sence worked while looking for herbs/items, have not been able to play it since because I tried to power thru and made my self sick 🤮

You sure they didnt accidentally get these switched with Gwyneth Paltrow’s vaginal eggs?

Now if only they made a mobile verison to play.

If only there was an xbox 1 version, still a great deal for PS4 gamers.

If only there was an xbox 1 version, still a great deal for PS4 gamers.

Sooo its $1000, and you only get a left knock off joycom and no right controller?

This bullshit is definitely what’s finally going to save the DC movie universe”

Maybe its pay back for someone on the train playing the sims and not allowing there poor sim to use the bathroom or buld one....

I got hit with a plot twist: my old, ratty mattress. I didn’t want it anymore, but I had no means of disposing of it.”

She also looks like she either crapped her little bowssette britches or she really needs to find the mushroom water closet....

No but I like to put a scoop of vanilla ice cream (if there any left) in my coffee sometimes instead of milk.

Bless you....

Well looks like someone let the cat out of the bag.....

And yet toonami has yet to finish showing all of Naruto or one piece for that matter....

Eexactly what I was thinking? There no reason for an PS4/XB1 version of this game, other then them wanting to make a shitload more money......

Wasnt chasm suppose to release on xbox one? I remember seeing it listed on the xbox market place last year, but seems like it’s now only available on PS4 & PC.

Aso can I please for the love of star wars come from out the greys?

You mean the train level the hans solo movie jacked in its trailer? Cause everytime I see the trailer for solo ithinks its for shadow of the empire and then remember, oh it’s the han solo movie 😑

great another capcom fighting game that wont be released on the xbox one just like street fighter 5.....

I hope this doesn’t cause the game to get delayed again?

That and plus all the SNES emulation can only be played on the new 3DS which is bullshit, plus like you said the N3DS has like 3 game’s that really take advantage of the new hardware....