Hey Stephen any chance Nintendo releasing the E3 Zelda demo as a download for everyone to play on there Wii U who didn’t get to go to E3?
Hey Stephen any chance Nintendo releasing the E3 Zelda demo as a download for everyone to play on there Wii U who didn’t get to go to E3?
Hey Stephen, any mention of the trees you cut down growing back or do they stay cut down?
Nintendo should have released a demo level of this area on the Wii U so everyone can play it at home.....
“At least they didn’t make it erotic.”
this is what I want to know because renting their P.O.S cable box(even thou its a dvr box) is still freaking BS. anything that give’s me dvr recording and still being able to watch the channels I like watching while taking money away from them is a plus for me.
this is what I want to know because renting their P.O.S cable box(even thou its a dvr box) is still freaking BS.…
After it was announced the show would return with a new cast, I was both hopeful and apprehensive to see what had happened to my beloved franchise.
I bet your neighbors where like wtf! there he goes again playing with all those little robots again... lol
No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition! or Monty Python....
any word on this level being released as a demo for the game?
maybe they should send Palmer sorry ass out to deliver the rest of them, at least that way they would have a reason no one has a tracking number or idea when there rift will show up..
if that where true they would be selling the more expensive version for $400 -$450 and the cheaper unit at around $250 - $350? But that is not how it really is :|
so in other words Valve doesn’t really make game’s anymore, its just make the tools for other people to make the games for them. that and they just make small demo’s for there hardware they release?
They weren’t kidding. MadeInSpain claim (mainly on the plain) that “almost 700 out of the 900 backers had their donations denied. The reason is still unclear, but looks like it’s related to Kickstarter and their payment management system.”
they also need to cost less if not no more then at least $400, BECAUSE the price will turn many people away from freaking sticker shock alone! I know these things are not cheap & not cheaply made(well maybe PSVR) but they still need to be priced at a price point that will make people want to grab one because its…
if that dam dog wasn’t there he might have missed knocking the tv off the stand......
dam i guess I’m a mutant? to bad I have no super power from being one, other wise I wouldn’t mind being a mutant and I could be fighting crime :(
yup, disappointed I didn’t see more of her. but then aging I’m still trying to figure out if they meant to say all that or if it was supposed to be funny?
as is every other game shop selling imports.....
why is Kholat — PS4 Digital listed twice?