Sir E

OMG! that chick be fucking CRAZY!

are those subs on a boat? cause holly shit that is fucking cool if it is!

Guess Konami wasn’t the only one to get paid off for the PS4 version of MGSV? Looks like Sony paid to have the PS4 version of Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain get reviewed first by all top review sites, who I bet got a little something ($$$) extra for reviewing the PS4 version first....

How does the Xbox One version of the game look against the PS4 version? Does the Xbox One version suffer from any kind of slow down and or look different in game then the PS4 version of the game? Kind of like how ground zeros on PS4 sky had more cloud detail & looked alot bluer then the Xbox One version of the ground

I always wondered if they could remake the virtual boy but in color? and if so would it cost more now for them to make it or cheaper then when the original virtual boy came out.. I would love to play a new version of the system but in color, Cause the old black & red hurt my eyes to all hell & gave me headaches :(

HOLLY SHIT! If this is real, I might have to start playing DOTA 2 ....

I literally just watched every episode over the last two days and between this and Steven Universe I now feel like a fool for ever not listening to Internet people before. Are there any other amazing cartoons I’m oblivious to?

Now playing

Hey you forgot to mention both The Jim Henson’s The Storyteller(HBO) & The Jim Henson Hour(NBC) which was sorta geared(Or at least tired to be) towards grown ups? And Jim Henson’s The Storyteller which was trying to be for grown ups would tell a different story every week that at the time didn’t look like anything


Nevermind, I thought I’d bought the full game but apparently my memory fails me.

Yeah great job Patricia, Fuck all the hater cause they are just going to hate! Plus you love what your doing, even when your not supposed to be working ;)

LMAO!! The horse took a big stinking Konami on the road, and the enemy jeep hit the stinking pile of Konami as if it was a banana peel! ROTFLMAO!

Wow thats sucks....

looks awesome to me :p

If this is released on Xbox One or PS4 I will be all over it.....

Wow what a bunch of Fucking bull shit Konami!!!! Pachinko-slot machine silent hill game is not the silent hill game people have been asking for all this time.....

Rest In Peace Rowdy Roddy Piper, You are now Wrestling with the greats in GOD’s Wrestling Federation.....

I MISS HIM ALREADY! :( R.I.P Iwata-san, The world lost a great man & gamer today, But his work and love for game’s will live on in the game’s he designed & helped bring into this wonderful world for us all to play.

R.I.P Mr Satoru Iwata, The World is a little less great not having you around :( But the world is a little better for having you around @ nintendo for the time you were here, you are going to be deeply missed..