Sir E

We’re focused on the everyday consumer, and we want that consumer to be completely satisifed. In the end, though, the retailer manages how they execute a pre-sale or how they make the product available. We certainly give suggestions and guidance. The retailer is making that call. And, again, to separate, when there’s

Fuck every time I read something about this game I just want to get my hands on it and play it! I don’t care what state/condition its in, I just want to fly thru outer space and explore the game developers universe.....

“They should have at least included a limited version of the game for free like Club Penguin. It seems like a real screw you to those kids who were only allowed to use it for free.”

well guess using this on my laptop with its NVIDIA 670 is way out of the question then : (

Kickstarter should Give them a few more days or hours depending on when the $7000 was donated, its not the developers fault they got screwed in the end. they should atleast get some sort of due over, but I’m guessing thats not going to happen from the good peeps @ Kickstarter?

“did he get a boner this time?”

Kotaku when he announced was leaving Konami. The Tokyo-based game company had taken him off the Castlevania series and had him making social games.”

Now the only question I have is, who is going to be making the push up bras for this figure to fully appreciate it having soft boobs?

wow they really kind of screwed all there fans on the 3ds by making the games on mobile :( Anyone else worried that the game’s are not going to be as great as the 3ds version and will have a bunch of microtransactions that will try and nickle and dime you at every opportunity?

“I watched the episode last night and it had me really excited for next week. Now I find out that was the season finale, and I’m sad. :(“

"In the DS era I would I always swipe left and right as the ball rolled back and forth, then tap the center of the screen juuuust at the right time. 100% usually effective."

"Never mind that the episode features a gambling scene, and casinos are illegal in Japan, regardless of age."

any chance of this being released on the Xbox one or PS4?

"aaahhhh.....yes. What is this Ikea??"

Dude, GB3 happened, it was a video game. You should check it out.

It be cool if you could get paid for the brands you allowed to be seen? other wise if the company didn't want to pay you for you using and seeing there brand names in this, then their brand name would be blocked till you saw some kind of payment or discount on buying said name brand.

Dam couldn't do it, ; (

To bad my Wii U is still broken (Face_Mad) And Nintendo still wants $175 to get it fixed I think? And the #$^% up part about it is I never really used my Wii U that much and don't understand why it stopped working, other then I have all 4 other consoles(XB1,XBOX 360, PS4 & PS3) and they still work perfectly fine?

Anyone else maybe think theirs more too the books and stuff behind them>? I mean if someone can get a much bigger and cleaner capture of the image of them setting there? Those books could have some kind of clue to them being there, I mean out of everything he could have shown on display behind there he puts books and