Wow, it’s almost as though you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Wow, it’s almost as though you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Wow, it’s almost as though you can dislike something without classifying it as being something for shitheads
You are spot on, I lived in a city with an EA office that was there just for QA contract work and I met so many people who would tell me they worked for EA and then when I asked what they did it came out that they were QA contractors. This is like saying you work for Warren Buffet if you work for the company that…
My analysis: Got QA work at EA, thought it’d be fun and harmless (and possibly initiative-showing for bigger opportunities) to act as some sort of rep for the company with only a kernal of truth to his credentials of being “dev,” went with it, saw an opportunity with the BG2 hubbub, thoughtlessly said what everyone…
They can’t all be great. Last month gave us MGS5.
Why are so many taking this as a threat? If You didn’t want to play it this means nothing to you, if you did want to play it you’ll do so.
If it doesn’t work out they won’t quit and work in fast food, they’ll start a new game. That’s what game developers do.
I feel like the people who were interested already planned on playing it when it released. Everyone else isn’t so much threatened as advised. They’re not swearing they’ll never make another game.
It’s more like market testing for a game in early development.
Yeah, How entitled of them to want FUCKING CUSTOMERS TO CATER TO. It’s not like games are FUCKING PRODUCTS.
Have you thought maybe they want to see if it’s good. They might like it, but if no one else likes it why waste the time. This seems like a good way to see if there’s enough interest in their game.
The only thing that I’ve noticed is the increase in cheaters.
60+ consistent implies those drops dont happen. the only time my game on any of the units is below 60 is spawn island, and the drop plane. one im on the ground, its smooth from there.
I run the game at max settings. There are no such running animations in the game like that, cars rarely flip that high, and the explosion isn’t that spectacular unless it’s the red zone.. There’s been some clear model manipulation, and probably some post-processing effects added as well.
1-no dr, you arent even close to uninstalling your cash cow, dont fib.
That’s one helluva bullshot under the headline. I wish the game looked that good.
It literally says early access. You are paying to play the game before it is done. The human expectation today that if you buy a early access game, it better be done, mentality. If this was the final game, I would understand. But people literally are signing up for the frustration the moment you pay for early access.…
The only thing I wanted to do with Curators is the ability to mute, ignore, etc. any curator that I know I don’t care what they think. There are lots of curators like “Games that aren’t 60fps” or whatever that I simply don’t care about as well as ringleaders for the very worst of “Gamer” behavior that I’d prefer to…
How about the part that let’s any Tom, Dick, and Harry toss $100 at Valve and upload as much shovelware as they please! :D
Seeing TotalDipshit on every page is enough to make me not want to browse Steam at all.