
Like most industries, gaming is now slave to their quarterly reports. If you aren’t growing your revenue, you’re stagnating, and if you’re stagnating, the executives and largest shareholders aren’t seeing their stock prices rise. That’s literally the only thing that matters now. High minded critiques of loot boxes and

In its current form, it was shaping up to be a story-based, linear adventure game. Throughout the development process, we have been testing the game concept with players, listening to the feedback about what and how they want to play, and closely tracking fundamental shifts in the marketplace. It has become clear

sounds a lot like they want to make it more like destiny and less like uncharted

I don’t agree with this advice. It puts the onus on those people attacked by these people to avoid services that they can benefit from.

And, of course, the Orthodox Fundamentalist Faction of the Nintendo Faithful are out in force, defending this, already.

Newfound? it’s been prominent since its reintroduction to year 2 attack values back in Taken King, and even during the Thorn/TLW Meta, Mida was one of the more commonly seen weapons outside of the previously mentioned 2.

You’re right. She should...take this article defending Louis CK down? Maybe you should take some anger management courses?

(Also, Katie was around constantly pre-Kinja. She’s been here for a long time.)

So they have put all this effort into great lore hidden outside of the Game, yet they Market it like some low-ball, Bro humor FPS. I’m not a fan of your Ghost’s Dialogue and Cayde is running dry. I know people don’t like a super serious game, but the writing team has stepped their game up.

“Cancerous YouTube Screamlords” is now my preferred insult for the comment section.

PS4 destiny timed exclusives make that not possible. Otherwise you could get the new PS4 only cloak on PS4 and then use it on the PC version.

Which is the one with the more terrifying implications for an entire fandom, this, or the Sonic game where you can make your own OCs?

“You fight with no honor!”

“Nope. He did, though.” *points down Moon Door*

Indeed. I’m already getting folks/trolls pointing out that a woman, who happened to be white, died even though I repeatedly pointed out that a woman died at the hands/vehicle of a terrorist in the damn post. And that this should be the focus. Not folks’ tiny feelings about being “good.” Clearly, I’m not talking about

“Video evidence he wasn’t stream sniping” what, did he have a camera filming him in his room? You can stream snipe on your phone, on your 2nd monitor, or a tablet. Unless we had a 360* view of the accused’s room, it’s a he-said-she-said situation.

But if a game was buggy off the shelf, you were stuck with it in an unplayable state. Plus, people who whinge about DLC apparently never heard the words “expansion pack” back in the day, and you couldn’t even get that on consoles. I paid $50 between the two for Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine for Oblivion; the

Anyone complaining that games cost $59.99 in the US these days should bear in mind that $26.99 in 1985 dollars is $60.65 today. Damn near bang on the mark.

And I’d have sworn my mom paid $70 for Final Fantasy III on the SNES at Christmas 1994.

I’d say it seems like she is in the wrong in her interactions with these studios, but where do people get off justifying harassment? Isn’t your comment, at the very least, the pot calling the kettle black?

She’s absolutely terrible but an online stalker/harassment campaign is worse.

“It’s just a prank, bro.”

ESPN routinely airs coverage of actual people in tiny panties.