
Gabrielle: Dorinda. She made it nice.

I work in the Visual Department at Macy's and we had an emergency email this morning to remove all the Lochte branded Polo collateral for the Olympics capsule they did. He looks so smug in the photos it was kind of a relief.

I’ve been commenting on Jezebel and Gawker through two user names (it KILLED me when I lost a starred account in an early Kinja changeover), two degrees, and four moves. It’s helped me procrastinate, meet people when I moved to new cities, given me an online community of hilarious strangers, and taught me about which

Not the idiot we want, but the idiot we deserve.

I agree. If they wanted to write and include the note to her- fine. But posting it publicly is crossing boundaries/ a bit of a violation to me. Not cool.

I’m a little surprised to be feeling so much “Nope” over this.

Oh come on. Trump is a reason to hate people. These idiots are just a reason to laugh at people.

Divorce attorney here!

When your immediate take on a situation is “she’s a liar; she leaked the tape” and not “holy shit he’s a violent drunken asshole,” that’s what I mean by giving him a pass.

Well, but honestly, so what?

We are not giving those men at that disgusting “website” our hard-earned traffic created by our male servant Bobby Finger

this isn’t:

These are all ‘shopped.

Clinton better win by a goddamned landslide.

My kid has been more stoked about this movie than he was for Secret Life of Pets. We are going on Tuesday for our weekly night out. Kids have no taste and I’m okay with it. He can be a cynical cinematic snob in twenty years. For now, I’ll just enjoy hearing those giggles about a cranky cat-man.

All of this sounds like more of an issue with you than with Jonah Hill.

It’s just like, if you look at facts there’s no way a reasonable person who supported Bernie’s policies and identifies as a progressive would then look at the choice between Clinton and Trump and choose The Donald. It’s just not a factually supported position, and the people who are choosing it are irrational and

I love how you always pretend sexism isn’t real. It’s so charming in a gross, extraordinarily stupid way.

Dude, chill.

She’s soaring in the polls and her lead will increase to double digits after the debates.