Man. It would be terrible to have your career ended because of an injury. It's especially terrible in his case because we never got to see what he was really capable of.
Man. It would be terrible to have your career ended because of an injury. It's especially terrible in his case because we never got to see what he was really capable of.
I think that if I look back objectively at every game I've ever played that has had some kind of multiplayer communication ability, the experience is overwhelmingly positive or neutral, it's just that you tend to remember the times people rattle off several racist/sexist/homophobic/antisemitic/agoraphobic (yes, this…
This is part of the reason I thought that their takedown of the EA service was so hypocritical. Yeah, the base console was cheaper at launch than the X1, but damn, does 50 dollars for 90 days of 1 game demonstrate a clear understanding of value?
I'm not gonna lie, I was totally thinking your capitalized letters were gonna be a code. OR ARE THEY?!??! #blackops
Thank you for looking into some actual numbers. I see large numbers like that and I wake up in strange places.
It would probably be 198% less popular.
I should clarify then. PS+ was not as popular when it wasn't required for online gaming. Now that PS4 requires it to play online, it is no coincidence that it is 200% more popular.
Oh because this whole time you were arguing that multiplayer is not the primary factor because people don't always play multiplayer, and that those who do are those 12 year olds who drink too much soda.
Not everybody plays multiplayer games, you're right. But to say that PS+ subscriptions have gone up 200% is somehow…
Hey, take a breath, friend. If you'll notice, I'm not exactly complimenting Microsoft when I say they're backpedaling all the time. Recently, when Microsoft has to back down from something (for whatever reason, customer input, being totally fucked, whatever), they definitively say what the deal is. This Sony guy said…
Sure thing. When I go home I will play some single player games and then some multiplayer games, because most people tend to do both.
He couldn't do that. That is way too much of a clear and definitive statement.
I don't know why you're having so much trouble facing the fact that despite the fact that there are some people who don't play the multiplayer aspects of nearly every game that comes out, it remains the biggest draw for the majority of gamers, and a huge factor for game and console developers. I'm the one who is…
Yes. I am that 12 year old, because I have been firing off profanity laced rants at everyone here.
Look, you can remain in your world where it's merely coincidence that just about every game that comes out has a multiplayer component. You can chose to believe that people who bought PS+ are somehow above those 12 year…
I'm always amazed at people who make an effort to explain that the majority of PS4 owners didn't get PS+ because they had to in order to play multiplayer. Really? You bought a game console to play half of your games?
Come on man. I'm not saying that there isn't additional value in a PS+ subscription. I'm saying that…
Say what you want about Microsoft's weird backpedaling, but at least they're clear about what they're doing. That last answer Buser gave is a whole paragraph that says nothing at all besides, "Hey, tell us if this is good."
You're missing the point. The fact is, if you want to play PS4 games online, you have to have PS+. So naturally, when you sell PS4s, you sell PS+ memberships. To say "WOW PS+ MEMBERSHIPS ARE UP!" when you do everything but straight up require people to have it in order to play is disingenuous stat padding.
Yeah. It's like Nike saying that sales of right footed shoes have gone up since they started "giving the option and not requiring at all" to include them with left footed shoes.
The best part of this video is the follow up left after the knockout blow, where Golovkin essentially punches Geale's flailing right hand, causing Geale to punch himself in the face.
Golovkin just big brother'd Geale so badly. "QUIT HIT YOU FACE!" He screamed in halfway coherent english.
LOL here we fucking go