You're probably right, but I was just trying to think of the most douche-y thing to be doing at a UFC fight. He's wearing a fucking newsies cap for shit's sake.
You're probably right, but I was just trying to think of the most douche-y thing to be doing at a UFC fight. He's wearing a fucking newsies cap for shit's sake.
I'm gonna guess it's an e-cigarette.
Sure thing, Dana.
Seriously though, if a fighter retires, doesn't that mean they relinquish their belt? He got beat up so badly that he is literally reconsidering the direction his life has taken. I think that only a scumbag would say that a a man who was just demolished in the ring owes people another beating because…
Hm. So let me just make sure I'm clear on this. GSP got mangled by Hendricks, but GSP was given the decision, so now GSP owes UFC fans a rematch because we don't feel like he was mangled enough in a questionable victory?
I imagine he read all that good advice, thought about it for precisely 12 seconds, then blinked, said "Dear god am I honestly thinking about a world where the Jaguars win two games in a row?" and, laughing nervously about his brief tangle with insanity, picked the Cardinals.
I totally agree, and I think that honestly, if we're assigning responsibility in the cases where fighters go on when they should not go on, you have to start with their trainer. Fighters fight. That's what they do. I think that people who are talented and dedicated enough to be professional boxers are born that way.…
Should have been a lot more. One would think that if blows to the head while the game is on are punishable by suspension, then a blow to the head on an unprotected player after the play is over would be a lot more serious.
He looks so happy! That is the face of a man who has won.
Oh man I agree. My friend! Such a well acted moment.
Yep. All of his stories were awesome. I also liked the one about him and his Asari girlfriend. And about how you can pry the plate off a Krogan's head. And about how he hijacked a freighter and- you know, I just have to reiterate, all of his stories were awesome.
...go on?
Did not realize that the lead photo was an animated gif. I felt extremely uneasy as I read this, then I scrolled back up and realized why. Then I stood up and found out that someone put shit in my pants.
Heck yeah it's a ton of dice. Good help you if you were within rapid fire range.
Pshhhhhh 4th edition Imperial Guard, son. Movement phase? 1 second. Shooting phase? STILL HAPPENING
This might be the best thing I've ever seen.
Dang. If I lit everything on fire that annoyed me, I would start with the Giants D-line, but they haven't shown up since 2010.
I was wondering when they'd post the video of this after you pointed it out. Also, yes, your name is quite appropriate today.