Nice victim blaming! *poetry slam finger snaps*
Nice victim blaming! *poetry slam finger snaps*
"Regardless of complaints, all people are babies! It's true because I said so!"
Regardless of the amount of complaints, a lack of action is still indeed, a lack of action. A paying customer deserves to have observable results. I'm not sure what services you pay for that you are willing to pass off a lack of satisfaction because "Gosh I bet they are busy!", but I suppose that is what you are…
Hahaha what? You have the gall to use the word logic in that statement? What she did is respond to a lack of action from a company whose services she pays for. It's not that microsoft did something wrong, it's that they did nothing.
I report messages like that absolutely. Like you said, if someone's willing to send those messages to me, then they're totally indiscriminate about who they send messages to. I rarely have my mic open unless I'm in a party with friends, so there's no telling if I'm 10 or 100.
You're totally right. Being outraged at mistreatment is exactly the same as unsolicited harassment, foul, and generally disgusting behavior.
It's not all bad. I've had a 360 since near launch, and I can count on one hand the times I've been like, actually offended by something, but maybe I just have thicker skin.
It seems like she's implying that this (unfortunately, unsurprisingly so) isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened.
Yes, a headset is optional. However, playing a game and being able to communicate with other players is a service that you pay for. You shouldn't have to not use that service because people are assholes, and especially when there is a system in place that is supposed to make sure that assholes are weeded out.
I think perhaps you are unfamiliar with the message system on Xbox. You can send either voice messages or text messages. He sent a text message first, then a voice message, neither of which requires anything but the user's gamertag.
“And that’s if you’re lucky! They may just have it be a car that runs over black people. Now, Mr. PR guy, what are you going to do?!”
Say what you want about CoD, but there's a reason that every other FPS in the world tries to measure up to them, and that's because they have the experience of a FPS down to a T. On console at least, no FPS is as slick. No FPS has a better multiplayer system from the top down.
Sooo I watched the trailer... and now you are responsible for the pants I soiled, as well as a new office chair and desk here at my work. Thank you, but if you'll excuse me, I have to go lie down.
Oh man... If jesus is pissed that I've killed people in videogames, he's gonna be really pissed when he finds out what I normally use the internet for.
And he never ever used the letter T again.
Which, if I'm correct in assuming that the original comment was made in order to say that the ideas were strongly influenced by 40K, is all a moot point since it still remains that there are still enough similarities in the artwork to justify the parallel. It'd be like comparing a zerg to a tyranid and saying, "Yeah…
I'm assuming you're not familiar with how far back Warhammer 40K goes? I think the OP was referencing another bit of material that seems to have been inspired by Games Workshop.
I would feel bad, but I didn't get to watch any of it because the city I live in is almost on fire. I just watched the ticker on ESPN like a common refuse collector.
That's definitely the grimace of a man determined to win. FOR FAMILY