So... if we hop aboard the Ray Rice train of thought, his wife is a failure for not getting up after he pummeled her.
So... if we hop aboard the Ray Rice train of thought, his wife is a failure for not getting up after he pummeled her.
Not all food.
AWKWARD. Lance Armstrong tweeted this photo of a card he got while playing the delightfully evil game "Cards Against…
Why? No one has fucked Tebow 1.0 yet.
I don't know, the human rights might not be as skilled and technical as boxing's, but they make up for it with the human head kicks, I think.
I like you Tim. When Dana White kills you, you will be missed.
Meh. He's no Chris Jericho.
Daniel Bryan is not better than Stone Cold.
"But wrestling is fake and stupid"
Undertaking losing last night was a life-altering event. Here are the most shocking news moments in my life in order: 1. Undertaker losing to Brock Lesnar to end the "streak." 2. 9/11 3. Pearl Harbor
Should have just said "What's up, redskin?" to show he values and honors the man's history.
Nothing good can happen to you while wearing an airbrushed shirt, nothing.
As a follow-up, I expect a puff piece on the pitcher's beef with Welington.
...the girl was then called for an offensive foul.
It's as if someone put a New York Times headline above a crazy Facebook comment.
Unfortunately while I agree with you, I also have to disagree with you. On one had it is true Sony is acting like that, on the other hand the competition right now does suck and there aren't really many other options. Could you imagine the mess Microsoft would be in now if Sony didn't deliver that knock out blow at…
He's the hero they need, not the one they think they deserve.