I would say stupidy (or ignorance if I’m being nice), bigotry, and the desire to hang onto white privilege were the primary driving forces.
I would say stupidy (or ignorance if I’m being nice), bigotry, and the desire to hang onto white privilege were the primary driving forces.
Fun aside: On Memorial Day I’m hosting neighborhood fireworks (pending drought conditions) and I’m only serving “ethnic food”.
Yeah, of the Hollywood Chris triumvirate, it is Pratt that is the very religious guy who enjoys hunting. Don’t know who he voted for. The other Chrises (Pine and Evans) are pretty much on record as despising Trump. Evans tweeted on election night that “this is an embarrassing night for America. We’ve let a hate monger…
Steve Harvey is a shameless, womanizing asshole who’s more than willing to join Carson, Ambrosia, and Dash as the “ideal black people” in Herr Drumpf’s world. They’re really vying for the “best house negro” award, which is really fitting in the case of Harvey and Carson allegedly wanting to fix the urban housing…
I just do not like her. She’s Black when it suits her (Lt Uhura and Nina Simone), but otherwise she can’t be bothered. Plus, her mediocrity and insincerity in her work just bothers me. There’s nothing there.
Fuck Steve Harvey and his holier-than-thou attitude since he found Jesus. He’s right up there with Omarosa and Stacey Dash as far as I’m concerned. If those three want to do any type of community outreach that helps black people then they need to collaborate with Mr. John Lewis. He helped break down walls held up by…
Right?! Fuck Zoey. She is so stupid and her acting is mediocre.
She buckled down when she got called out for playing Nina Simone in blackface and continued to defend taking the role long after it flopped. Hollywood rewarded her with another gig. Trump says and does shitty things and gets rewarded with highest office. Shitty people gotta stick together in these tough times when us…
Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart
Even better: keep your TV on but tuned to any other channel so it is clear that you watched something else. Otherwise, Trump watchers will be a higher percentage of total TV watchers at that time.
He is absolutely STUPID! All his talk about “uniting the country” was just that, talk. Have fun being the incoming president with the lowest approval ratings in modern history, you jackass! He might as well had insulted MLK as well! And the conservative idiots think that BLM will somehow magically disappear once POTUS…
Like Anna said, we’ve all read too many thrillers and seen too many movies like this and yet, it’s still difficult to believe that all those movies you’ve seen about a Manchurian Candidate is now real life.
My favorite thing about this election is that the same people who always bitched that Obama was soft on Putin are now enthusiastically supporting a guy who is openly sucking his dick. Excuse my language.
I love tuna and mayo, but jesus, warmed up in a microwave?!?! Do these people hate other people?
there are races involving bells? Like to see which cow is fastest?
I call bullshit. Everyone knows that the only real ethnic slur for a white person is “racist.”
No. Papa is Grandpa.