Lady Legasus

Honestly, I will never believe that anyone who grew up in Boot Scootin Boogie and Hannah Montana money will ever have the most basic sense of how the other 99% live.

Americans will villify men who torture animals over men who rape. Sadly that’s the mindset of our culture in 2015.

Tone policing black women is pretty damn white, and if you don’t want to be lumped in with Miley, maybe don’t engage in it yourself?

I love it too, and recently had run out on a business trip to a really small town, so my options were limited (as in, what I could purchase at the only very small, locally-owned grocery store in town). I figured I would make the best of it, and was dismayed when I could only find Wet ‘n’ Wild brand. Ugh, am I 11 again?

I feel like I have to say this every time a gay white man does something racist and/or sexist.

Goop meets Grantland

Sorry but there’s only one Lennie

Graham thinks Trump is an asshole NOT because he cares about immigrants but because and only because he could cost them the election. graham is still a dick.


What the fuck is this comment?

I thought she got rid of Nick...

SYNTH people! SYNTH people! Look like SYNTH, talk like PEOPLE

Now playing

I thought TS3’s Ken couldn’t possibly get any better.

I sincerely hope CPS is looking into that home and will consider removing those little kids from that house. There are still a lot of underage kids in that family! J’chelle and JBoob are not fit parents, especially if they let Joshy back in the house.

Every time I hear someone say “he was just a kid” I can’t help but think of Tamir Rice. He was 12 and playing with a toy gun when he was gunned down by police for looking like a man with a weapon. And all the support those police officers received because there was no way they could know he was a child, and Rice

Oh Jimbob you’re so magnificent with your doughy countenance and your helmet of hair and your insistent willful ignorance *siiiiigh*

I think Shandling is hilarious, but those nightcrawler lips of his give me the heebie-jeebies.

He has a face that looks like the result of Gary Shandling mating with a pig.