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Did you just write an article about a new trailer without linking or embedding the new trailer at all while still talking about what was in it and at the same time linking the 4-month old introduction video instead? Here, I’ll do the work for you:

I don’t quite buy it. Disney has more than enough resources to work on replicas of both candidates at the same time and not care about the cost.

You’re forgetting about a huge negative here: digital only. I want physical copies.

I’m about to be 44 and ‘Person who people pay to watch play video games’ is absolutely a valid career choice I could have had, Grandma!

While I love to support the book industry, at the same time, books are expensive. Start using your public library more, especially on books you’re less sure about whether you’ll like.

The Epic store has been around for a few years now and is STILL barebones. I HATE using their store.

Oblivion would need a new engine remake, I think. The game itself feels like a Medievalworld module out of Westworld. It’s all very stiff, robotic, and game-y. Doing speech checks feels like I’m opening the robot’s front panel and twisting gears until it smiles.

I haven’t actually visited Kotaku’s main page (or Latest, or anything) in over a decade probably. RSS feeds are the best.

In what world is the myth “Lube is only for penis/vagina sex”?? I would have sooner said that this is what dispels that mytg, with most people thinking lube is meant for anal penetration...

Celery?  Damn.  I’m going to have to be a hard nope on that.  Celery is the one flavor in the known universe that I absolutely cannot stand :-(  I’m happy to eat cilantro; I don’t like durian but it’s not the worst.  Celery is the worst.

Harry Potter game has no concept of morality” is the least surprising thing I’ve read all day.

well, you need more expensive repairs but you also need FEWER repairs overall, so it tends to be a wash. Obviously you still have a drivetrain but there’s a lot less to go wrong with an electric motor than the complicated dance of pistons and valves that is an internal combustion engine. There’s a reason the electric

Don’t you all have phones?

I mean, they literally crawl on the ceiling above my bed, soooooo....

These should be swept

This is... brilliant?

I have a cat that someone declawed and then abandoned before he came to me, and while I will say it’s nice that he doesn’t scratch the furniture, I would never declaw a cat myself.

I agree none of these tips really work. However, I will say that there are fabrics that cats don’t really go for - or at least most cats.

Declawing a cat cuts off part of their paw - to make sure the claw doesn’t grow back. This is the same thing as cutting off the tip of your finger to make sure you don’t regrow your fingernail. It’s not something you do to a beloved pet.

Better option: Never. Refrigerate. Tomatoes.