
Machu picchu is great. but why do we love her so much?

OMG i loved Made of Bricks!! i had no idea it was Kate Nash

i rewatched that scene several times and found it a highly effective scene. i wanted to disect why it was so powerful.

I love the “i’m offended” calls at work. My off the cuff response is usually, “tell me how this has impacted your productivity”

i want to see hate watch this movie.

i like that she’s loud and funny and i feel a form of “sincere” or “honest”

i enjoy rebel

do you think someone will say, “he can’t be president, look at how short he is. you can’t follow a leader who is short.”

don’t feed the trolls

Hot Fuzz / Sherlock (bbc)

one of my fantasy purchases is a full wheel of parmesan cheese

I want a movie about specialty food folks who deal in stolen cheese, stolen maple syrup. But not stolen wine - has to be less obvious than wine.

I am thinking something in the vein of Brothers Bloom / Luck Number Sleven. Character lead griffter movie, of a production value like $20-50 million. Most money being put

One of my favorite things to eat was No Name BBQ Chips. I remember eating them on the drive to school in my brothers car. It would be -20C and the chips were so cold, and salty and not at all spicey.

i liked his character and i had fun watching a few scenes today from True Blood. i enjoyed his work.

Now playing

i really liked Kesha’s music. I can’t wait until she is massively popular and on the charts again.

i am working with a purely american peer for the first time in my life. i have developed into a Third Culture identity where I am not from here, from somewhere else, but don’t identify into either groups. and i find it so fascinating with his behavior, since of entitlement of experience versus being an enterprise

just a general vent. wasn’t directed at you. thanks for being the recipient... it felt good to unload at a random internet stranger

doesn’t factor into my opinion of her. her role and public interaction with star wars is how i know her persona, and i’m still sad that she’s gone.

jesus christ... i have had 10 different numbers in the past 12 years, umpteen different physical addresses. and i fucking hate email... i don’t even know the password to my “personal” email address at this point.

i hate getting gifts, when i invite people to stuff... it’s literally I haven’t seen or spoken to you in ages, but I still care about your existence come over and eat/drink with us. If you bring anything, just bring wine... if you bring a gift... it’s just going to be awkward.