
I want Once Upon A Time to succeed. I like the feeling the show goes for. It can be smart and clever. It's just that they need to hurry up and get Regina fully on Team Charming. If someone taunts you with "you should have killed me when you had the chance!!! MUAHHAHAHA" after torching your magical portal... you

Please tell me all the things you have created.

I actually started writing today. I know, I am a bad NaNoWriMoer. I went in with no plan, I just started writing today. I stopped after 1030 words.

does the girlfriend actually exist, cause it's so horrible. is she the manifestation of brain damage?

My 3 Be rule for talking to me at work:

most of the characters in the books i read aren't really relationship material.

well i can't tell you how many copies of "Pattern Recognition" I have actually bought over the years. I re-read it occasionally for a comforting read. But the whole Pattern Recognition series, with Spook Country & Zero History, was such a wonderful exploration of 10 minutes into the future.

There was a scene where the Brothers from Bloom were having a key character/plot moment in the movie over tea. There was also a similar feeling scene in relation to character/plot development over steak & eggs in Looper.

There was Time Travel, was there Space Travel?

Do you think JGL will follow thru with Bruce's male pattern baldness hairline?

have you ever written FanFiction?

you seem to have a strong track record of making really good movies.

I just read your IMDB.

I almost left the theatre to grab a drink or a long bathroom break while Old Seth was being disfigured. And I wish I had, when Young Seth was on that hospital bed thing.

Have you ever read Singularity Sky or Iron Sunrise by Charles Stross?

have you ever thrown/hit a keyboard in a bout of nerd-rage?

Did the time travel devices only send people back to one specific location? Did that mean that you had to recruit enough Loopers to cover each specific time travel pre-determined exit point? Were the exit points moveable? Could you build a time machine that would send people into volcanoes and cut out a layer of

Do you have any thoughts on Donna Nobel or River Song?

Was there any clothes/styles you would wear in real life?