
Was the shoot-out scene from the diner, where Young Joe joined up with the other Loopers to hunt Old Joe for a few minutes just for fun? Kind of a setup for a joke/get-a-way? Or is it reasonable for the other Loopers hunting the Joes to be caught up in the rush and forget that Young Joe should be caught too?

i attempted to form that question but i got stumped and landed on "time travel is hard" and moved on. I would like an answer to this.

i am assuming working on a movie of this scope is pretty mentally taxing.

i was expecting there to be a message written into the silver/gold bars. some sort of message being passed back and forth thru time. was this something i made up in my mind, or was there an leaning in that direction?

What style of time travel were you aiming to portray... I can see that realities could be made an unmade, but when working on the movie did alternate timelines come into it? The whole making changes to the timeline and causing mental fog, but this question got away from me...

I can't even get a frame of reference of how far away that object is. Of course, I have difficulties conceptualizing the amount of stars in our own galaxy.

Sarah Jane would stop that from coming to light.

it's pretty and wonderful and it's wonderfully inspired work

shush ... like they could survive on that planet ... how can every planet have Earth normal gravity. the slightest change to gravity would cause severe blood pressure issues.

why do the space suits helmets light up from the inside. i know it's photography at work, but is that practical for exploring space?

I have difficulties envisioning tall structures like this. I always tend to think of a wheel, in the way that the outside of the wheel has to travel faster then the inside portions.

I am kind of burnt out on dystopia stories and the end of the world scenarios. The whole "we are doomed" thing has run it's course. I want some optimistic, everything is alright, wonderism.

but you nailed... i'd still be alive

well i am not going there any time in the near future

pass control of development on to people who know what they are doing

that's great and all... but where is the story about your win?


if you ever want me to take some of your review copy books off your desks... let me know.

i am following a low-carb high-protein diet currently. in addition to having to buy new underwear... i am now going to have to worry about combusting.

Lost Girl... Season 1, Episode 1, opening 3 minutes.