
If you haven’t already swapped out your backups for SSDs, then congratulations, it means you haven’t lost data after accidentally dropping a drive on the floor.

Counterpoint. Tropes are tools and anything should stay on the table. A good writer can make just about anything work. 

Our best photos of atoms are blurry blobs at best, but eventually, Pulse might even help reveal razor-sharp images of the building blocks of our existence.”

What gets me though is that there is literally no chance of actually getting the photo right. This isn’t depixellating photos, it’s turning a bunch of pixels into something that looks like a person. I’d like to see it run on a pixellated cartoon character, or a pixellated pet. The headline here is really not correct

So you input a pixelated face and you get a completely different one? I guess that’s what you call perfect these days lol. 

I wouldn’t call the Pulse depixelated images a “perfect” representation of the originals. They look similar, but not like the same people.

I hear Richard Linklater is making a version of this same movie, but it isn’t coming out for a few billion years.

I’m sure I’ll like it; I love cheesy disaster movies. That said, even if the moon’s orbit was only slightly disturbed and didn’t hit the earth, it would still devastate us. Oceans would slosh out of their basins and flood everything, tectonic plates would shift around, earthquakes, volcanoes, dogs and cats living

The Earth rotates at approximately 1,000 miles per hour at the equator. At a different latitude it will have a slower speed.

Where has it been reported that he’ll get a “majority” ownership?

As great a rapper as he is he’s always been an opportunist piece of shit. From the constant unsavory name dropping of Biggie in his early albums to shooting Un Rivera over leaked songs to tricking on Beyonce nobody should ever expect decisions based on morality from him

This is what I came here to ask too.  They cheated in the qualifiers, but qualified anyway?!  And people wonder why ESports isn’t being taken seriously.

At least a season/tourney ban. 

Don’t they have like 90,000 people working in their warehouses? So like 0.21% have a problem.

It’s clinically proven that the act of play makes steaks 40% more tasty.

I mean, this is all just how you want to frame the narrative.  Another possibility might be that Amazon didn’t view NYC as a superior enough location to bother fighting for.

The premise generally has to work. 

New iPhones have a notch?  Maybe we’re just holding them wrong. 

What value was there in starting that sentence with “I mean”?

Comparing SpaceX and Virgin ‘s projects is problematic. Virgin will carry you on a suborbital hop to around 100 km (62 miles) out, a few minutes of free fall, then a standard runway landing. The SpaceX and United Launch plans are to carry people into actual orbit, a far more difficult task. It takes many times more