
Good one. But anyway, if the model is 60 pounds at 1:2, the final craft would be about 480 pounds. Which means they will never use this design for more than a drone, correct? Or is the 1:2 mistaken?

"The current GL-10 iteration is a 1:2 scale model"

The containers in that video are all 40-feet long, so each counts as 2 TEU.


"this demonstrates that they can checked by computers rather than humans."

Betcha couldn't complete Step 4 in 400 years!

I want to know what the most random number is.

Thanks, but I'm thinking about those metal bars connecting the legs in their rendering on the right. That's information that's not in either the 3D model on the left or the photograph in the middle.

Look at 1:22 in the second video. How did the software know what the underside of the chair looked like? It's not based on symmetries or the stock 3D model. Is there a method of drawing information from more than one photograph they're not telling us about?

To me, the most amazing part of that video, other than the fact that he did not guess my card, is that not one of the many people involved in its production was aware that the plural of "phenomenon" is "phenomena."

Okay, yeah, with respect to the oeuvre, What the hell, Russia.

I'm not commenting on the intentionality; I'm commenting on the apparent lack of contact. The filming car jerks and makes a sound, but I think that's just from hitting the breaks; there's no mark on the red car. In any case, Casey makes no note of contact, unless by "skids by" he means "skids against the filming car."

You're calling someone cutting someone else off an accident? What the hell, Casey.

I hope a Siri-Watson love child come outta this.

The stadium played Pharrell Williams's "Happy" after the match. America wins!

"The waterfall, which I had initially thought to be a frivolous detail, actually has an important structural function."

I typically read PDFs in Safari rather than Acrobat Reader because I prefer Safari's search function, and when copying text from a PDF Safari doesn't insert hard line breaks at the end of every line.

"They share about 1/16th of the same genes"

"has doled out $540 million" -> $920 million, yes?

I want data! Compare airplane, do not disturb, and regular modes on battery saving and charging.