
Are you multicellular? Mutant!

"to his disposable" should be "at his disposal"

Why do you clutter a short post with five(!) links to the same article? I've seen this before at Giz. Is there a rationale behind it?

Correction: The article wasn't in this week's issue; it is on one of their blogsā€”as indicated in the URL that you link to 5(!) times in your post.

"20-foot diameter vacuum loop"

He definitely hits that minivan. (Why do you think he gets out to inspect the bumper?) Also, it's a 22-wheeler.

Too bad it wasn't delivered by drone. Yo dawg...

Can someone tell me what the actor inside R2-D2 does? Also, why does Artoo sometimes have two legs and sometimes have three?

"even a mouse cortex can operate 9,000 times faster than a PC"

Was there no design solution better than securing the windshield to the bumper with rods?

Apples and Big Apples.

"Tornadoes Are 100x More Likely Than We Thought"

Would have been better with specifics. (Name one of Steve's insights, etc.)

Are those TV pixels?

I still refuse to buy non-underwear made by a company named for underwear.

Let's hope their advances trickle down into street cars.

The video on the Riyadh metro project is pretty cool.

"it operates at 0.02 Kelvin ... just two degrees above absolute zero"

You misunderstand percentiles. It is not true that "the lowest 20 [percent] earn $21,313 annually." They all earn less than that.

A yellow Lamborghini is the Guy Fieri of automobiles.