
as long as it doesn’t bring harm to others.

No, it really sounds like nothing of the sort, but thanks for blithely ignoring and/or misinterpreting what you have (or, more likely, haven’t) read.

I’d advise also checking out The Satanic Temple, as their philosophical view differs greatly from the CoS. It’s hard to disagree with a lot of the TST tenets as well.

sociopath, but with full self responsibility for everything. the idea is that instead of “praying” for someone to get better, you get off your ass and help them get better in any way you can. if you dont then you simply dont want to or care enough.

Putting your own oxygen mask on before assisting others with their oxygen masks on a plane, is a very Satanic thing to do.


Church of the Sociopaths with a well regulated sense of risk vs. reward. Being helpful is often times worth more over time, so being helpful is most often the path taken. Making enemies is counter productive.

That reddit post said it best. With so many quality open-world games recently released and coming out, unless this gets 10/10 with no complaints about the pacing, it’s a no brainer to skip now.

We were meant to be going after the son?

If a 30-second ad told that story, maybe things would’ve gone differently. :/


Gideon Emery’s excellent performance as Balthier really stands out and brings that character to life. It’s one of the things I look forward to revisiting with Zodiac Age.

Except it’s NOT a single-player MMO. It just seems that way until you really start playing around with the Gambit system and coming up with creative combinations to destroy enemies.

It was a good game and a blast to play. Nix Vaan and the game would be even better!

The snarling face made me lose it.

Probably a 404 Wife Not Found bluescreen.

“And you can only display that painting with the 4K ultra-resolution 37th century graphics made possible by Xbox One Box, the most powerful device ever witnessed by any sentient life form in the universe!”