Dark lipstick is the coolest. Also, that sentence....I’ve read it five times now and I still don’t understand it. Let’s proofread...
Dark lipstick is the coolest. Also, that sentence....I’ve read it five times now and I still don’t understand it. Let’s proofread...
California, in the central valley. A lot of areas in the state are illegal, but the hottest, driest part allows sales for the week of the forth.
Please think of us before you set off your fireworks.
It’s 105 degrees today. We’re suffering from an historic drought. We’re expecting the worst wildfire season since forever.
But you bet your ass the firework stands opened on Monday, just like clockwork.
Why do the headlights have to look like this??
there we have it: the ugliest car to ever come from italy.
Very shiny indeed. They need a good roughing up or sand scouring to make them look more used. Oh and this fuel pod should have been behind the main tank, not in front of it.
I want a port of this.
It needed more VTOL, right?
this happened to me and another woman in my gender class a few weeks ago. And every single time he interrupted one of us, it was to rephrase one of our ideas and explain to us why his idea was different and better. WANTED TO STRANGLE HIM. Then he informed the class he was a women's studies minor, too. So he's like…
Should've gotten Erlich.
Chicane with Napier Green brake calipers and interior stitching!
Older people generally aren't scared of much, because most of them have already lived through real life horror. Like fighting cancer, raising multiple demon spawn or losing a parent or other family member. You know, stuff that actually fucking matters.
Being old, I can confirm that Five Nights at Freddy's is not scary.
Foxbat maybe. At least the Phantom will turn.
It's the best example I can come up with to the musclecar of planes.
The F-4 Phantom. Americas proof to the world that with enough thrust, even a brick can fly.
I HATE it when people say, "I'm <insert ethnicity here> I can't be racist!" STFU. Yes you can and you sound like an idiot when you say that.