
Ok, fair, but it’s certainly not weird for a sixteen month old child to be able to call his parent.  (Mind you, Grimes definitely reading too much into it by saying he’s respecting her not wanting to be called “mom”.  He’s a toddler; he’s going to call her whatever she’ll answer to.)

crash and explode? that’s cold

I think in this case, the leash was “not being in charge of everything.” Moffat’s puzzle boxes make for incredible one-off stories, but fade hard when stretched the length of a season (with the notable exception of season 5).

This would be the best timeline. The Weird timeline. 

Seacrest modeled his career on Dick Clark and it somehow worked out perfectly.

I think this means therefore that Weird Al has to become the host? Which, honestly, would be great.

The Nevermind baby is in his 30's.  All gloves are off. 

Correction: Ever using Twitter. Period.

Just. Don’t. Tweet. That’s the main lesson here. There is literally no upside to using Twitter in 2021.

And, here’s the thing. He did, long before he started guest-hosting.

Here’s the other thing.
We’ve heard now that Richards was involved in selecting which clips got shown to the decision-makers... How involved was he in the focus group process, where “the succession plan started unraveling”? I mean, it sounds like

I’ve had a couple people make the argument that the “guest” hosts were never intended to be seriously “trying out” and were serving just in the capacity of guest host for a week or two. I disagree with that stance, but then I think about how Dr. Oz guested and it feels like if I was making the argument that “surely

That gets him canceled? Jesus. Really? What ever happened to just saying, “Dude, that was a dick comment. Say sorry and don’t say that shit anymore.”

Yeah, the one guy passed away unfortunately. 

As for packaging...

The one on Noveria? I remember being able to bypass that with omni-gel, but it has been over a decade since I last played it. I think it’s meant to be resetting a computer core or some other sci-fi sounding problem like that, but the puzzle itself is called Towers of Hanoi and it’s probably easy enough to find a guide

I crack most of my cheesecakes. I’ve accepted this. Those cracks are just more room for fruit, chocolate caramel, marshmallows, butternut squash, pico de gallo, or whatever else I’m throwing on top.

I thought the word on Snyder was that he was genuinely a good dude, and people (and big stars) liked working for him ... and I haven’t ever heard anything really bad about McG (aside from receiving Christian Bale’s ire) ...

He’s changed to it "desiging" now ;)