
I have heard people rave about them, but I have a ceramic burr grinder at home and as near as I can tell, it hasn’t affected the flavor of my coffee at all. A lot of things people have told me would affect the flavor of my coffee don’t seem to make a big enough difference in taste for me to worry about it.
It’s weird,

I feel like a coffee rube... I honestly can’t tell a difference. I had the manual Hario for years, and recently replaced it with a cheap blade grinder. The only difference I’ve noticed is it takes me seven fewer minutes to make coffee. I do use more grounds than recommended, so that may be why I don’t taste a differenc

“The Internet: Missing the Nuance Entirely Since 1993"

Salty didn’t really address it but LW did: From my time in fine dining, I’ve seen the expo or the runners ABSOLUTELY take someone else’s dish and run it, even if it is the biggest no no of all: An incomplete table. There is also the possibility that your GIRLFRIEND’S plate was taken and ran instead of yours.

It was supposed to be a relaxed romantic night out, and our dinner was over in an hour and 15.

The real problem was dining out on Valentine’s Day and expecting anything but a rushed, cramped, harried experience.

Can you get a message to the letter writer’s girlfriend?

A kitchen was able to turn out its signature dish really fast... on Valentine’s Day? You felt pressured to turn your table really fast... on Valentine’s Day?

The restaurant’s only fault was bringing your main before your girlfriend’s. That’s unconscionably stupid.

If this place is known for its fried chicken, and they knew they were having a Valentine’s rush, there is also a good chance they were just firing chicken knowing the orders were going to be coming in.  

Yeah, I haven’t listened for context, but the idea that “you owe other people nothing” seems nihilistic to a degree that I don’t want to hear what they think about anything else.  

I mean, I hate being one of those people that reacts to a piece of media without experiencing it myself, but that Just Break Up podcast sounds like it’s run by toxic narcissists.

Rude is most likely referring to federal law, which can supercede state law if they really wanted it to, I believe.

I think this goes beyond having “gluten free” into “really, we mean it, it’s gluten free”.

I think the internet needs a grilled cheese and have a nice lie-down in a corner somewhere, because clearly it’s gotten itself all worked up and needs to settle down for a bit.

I think that would be the case for something like e-coli, but it looks like this might be a case of morels that weren’t actually morels. Mushrooms can fuck you up, yo.

(2012-2013)—“Hubbell Flowers”

AR: Oh, yeah! Well, Adam Arkin, who wound up working on Succession, just offered me that part. He directed that episode. I had a blast! Because I don’t usually play leading characters. I usually play supporting roles, and at least in that episode, I got to carry the episode, and there were a lot of different places to

Next stop, Andrew McCarthy!