Yeah, but yiayia’s going to be super pissed about this!!
Yeah, but yiayia’s going to be super pissed about this!!
I can’t wait to see if Nia and her best friend Rita Wilson take a long vacation together, and will report back if their Instagrams start getting exciting.
Always use the Craigslist email exchange only. Would never put my number out there.
Which is why I have automated do-not-disturb set on my phone.
2/10. Would not troll again.
Go binge GLOW! You’ll feel better immediately.
I’d take 50% tips from lottery winning hillbillies and fugitives from the law any day of the week.
Unless you were wearing, like, mad max post-apocalyptic rags, I can’t imagine being under -dressed for an outback steakhouse lol.
That may be specific to that location and time. Every time I’ve ever been into an Outback it’s been fully casual.
I think the moment you’re paying, that’s where your rights as a customer start. Unless it’s made clear in advance that the restaurant consider themselves artists and they will be dictating your experience, money is king.
pretty sure thats cocaine.
“What can I do when I’m being rushed through a meal?”
I don’t mind the general “does the staff not like me?” questions because sometimes it is “is this thing I’m doing rude?” And I’ve worked in restaurants, sometimes people do rude things and probably don’t realize it. Though these people usually aren’t the ones who find themselves questioning online if what they did…
And another thing, well done doesn’t have to mean dried out. If the cook/chef knows what he’s doing, it can come out juicy with no pink in the middle.
IMHO, well done is the way to go, beef has little taste until the medium well stage, at least to me, and rare is too soft and slimy. I’ve tried many times to eat a burger or steak with a pink center, and it’s just blah at best, it comes “alive” when the pink starts to fade away. Maybe because I don’t want a lot of…
Go to IKEA and get a huge tin of them. Bring them aboard and hand them out to all passengers for undying love. Or hoard and eat them in Gollum-esque ostentation for their jealousy.
You’re right; I was blinded by rage induced by a lack of stroopwafels. I’ve made the correction.
No, this doesn’t need to be a workplace comedy by keeping everyone within the four walls of their headquarters. What they need to do is expand to an hour so that the plots can have more depth than an episode of Scooby Doo and give all of the other office characters a chance to go out on missions as well.