But, hear me out... what if the Haunted mansion was located in a fascist dictatorship?
I have no clue why special people seem to have a hard time understanding that the family theme park and cartoon company is not looking to make a “spooky scary” Haunted Mansion movie.
Yeah, to be honest. That.
This is one of those storylines I just look at and go... jeez, that doesn’t seem very enjoyable for anyone.
I think Xavier having his beliefs properly challenged is good, but I think there’s a million more interesting ways to do that than ‘hoho what if he killed everyone’
I still think if DC wants to continue Flash on film Grant is right fucking there, drop Ezra.
They don’t want the audience going “Oh, there’s the Flash! Who is this unrecognizable character Ezra Miller is playing?”
Disney had a long practice of casting radio stars in films going all the way back to Snow White. As far as ‘A’ List, I submit George Sanders in Jungle Book, or Peter Ustinov in Robin Hood.
He needs a Jimmy-Stewart-in-Vertigo phase.
Damn straight Bachelor Party needs to be on this list, and not at the bottom, either. And where the hell is Dragnet?
Daniel Radcliffe pulls out a gun: “You are now, BAWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”
I would watch that movie! A frustrated young actress lacking direction in her career decides she needs to murder a famous performer to get a biopic out of turnaround. Have Emerald Fennell or the guy who did Thoroughbreds direct it.
Weird Al to Daniel Radcliffe: “Dude, I’m not dead!”
After all the years of abuse, I do not think Britney is completely there upstairs. Any response other than ‘Dude, I’m not dead’ would make me believe that someone other than Britney herself had actually said it.
“Strange response” from someone who, hitherto has been known for reasonable, measured commentary.
How can you say ‘Artless’? He’s the main antagonist.
I grew up watching Will & Grace and he was always a hilarious scene stealer. When you heard his trademark, “well, well, well…” almost always followed by a blistering takedown of Karen Walker (“I thought I smelled gin and regret” is a favorite), you knew you were in for a treat. No matter how silly or absurd things got…
Well damn. That man was a delight in everything I ever saw him in. Thanks for all the joys and laughs!
The real reason the neighbors demanded it be taken down is the witchcraft powering the display was draining every neighbors life force one year per day
I could be wrong about who I am remembering here, but I think it was Hugh Grant who would basically just say “I hate acting but this career has made me rich!”
Wait...how is Jason Sudekis “planning that custody mess” when she’s the one who wants to move their kids out of the country?