
Lifetime. I've had it for years and years now. It's also a per-user license (not a per-PC license), so I run it at home, work, and on my laptop all under one license.

That's still a function in Nvidia cards, and I presume ATI as well. I don't know if something like that could easily be handled by DisplayFusion. Possibly, but graphics cards already do it so it wouldn't serve much purpose.

Which is awesome, except for the fact that you can only carry 200 rupees at that point, which means that 800 or so are permanently lost unless you know all of this crap and plan ahead.

True, they are less aerodynamic (than smooth headlights) even when closed. I know I'm always looking for additional drag in my components, and that's why I always go for pop-ups!

Correct, but that's a direct quote from Game Freak.

There are specific mega stones for each Pokemon capable of mega-evolving. Blazikenite, Lucarionite, and something like Ampharonite and Mewtwonite. God save us if they make Dragonitenite.

Probably. But it will be pathetic and weak because your "ass-kicker" doesn't have speed boost and the rest of the Blazikens laugh at it. (Actually, I'm pretty sure Blazikenite actually grants Speed Boost while in mega form, so you're good.)

I'm guessing it isn't consumed, otherwise it'd be awfully pointless having to find a way to get one every time you run into a trainer. What I wonder is if there's a condition that makes it activate, or if it always happens as soon as the Pokemon enters the fight.

EVs, definitely EVs. But nobody but super nerds knows about EVs, so they call it base stats.

Nobody's nominated the Sympathy system from the Kingkiller Chronicles yet? I found it completely fascinating and very well thought out. I won't go into details here, because you really need to read the book to get a true feel for it, but its basically a method of transferring energy based on the likeness of two

iPhone pictures don't look like that. Instagram pictures do. If you don't know the difference between an iPhone and Instagram, you probably shouldn't be writing for a tech blog.

Best argument I've heard yet is because Google Reader is dead. Excuse me while I go cry in the corner.

But keep in mind that the CPU is already clocked significantly lower than the PS4 and is reponsible for driving the entire system. PS4 has a dedicated co-processor for non-critical gaming functions, which means the OS and other features will not impact gameplay. If Xbox can compensate for that by using the cloud to

No, he really means "YOLO". Watch the damn video, and it will be very clear what this discussion is about.

Unless it varies where it displays on the screen.

The difference in the past was that the two consoles were on completely different architectures, which means that had to be completely re-programmed for each console and could customize the game to match the better areas of each console. In the next generation, the two consoles will be nigh-identical in terms of

I prefer my dark photos to look like it's dark, but without ugly grainy shit everywhere.

Send 'em my way.

Why is there a, comma in that title?

Ugh, I have the exact opposite problem. If I dress up for work in anything more than bus-cas, I look like I'm well over 30. If I dress in jeans and a T-shirt, I look like I'm 28. I'm 25.