
ThermalTake Level 10

Yeah, you know that really matters where you live right? Swapping from Verizon (who I went to after giving up on Sprint) ahs upped my reception massively in Chicago, and has actually increased my data speed. So yeah, actually they do compare with "real carriers" as long as you don't live out in the boondocks. Oh,

Lolololol. Seriously. Lolololol.

Because it's not all that big of a deal. Only spec nerds and mindless consumers actually care. Anybody that actually cares about real-world-meaning would know that T-Mo's HSPA+ is every bit as fast (sometimes faster) than Verizon's LTE in most places. So why the heck would I want LTE when it just means my phone is

Also because it's not all that big of a deal. Only spec nerds and mindless consumers actually care. Anybody that actually cares about real-world-meaning would know that T-Mo's HSPA+ is every bit as fast (sometimes faster) than Verizon's LTE in most places. So why the heck would I want LTE when it just means my

The most important reason of all: Titanium Backup.

Anybody who thinks they got ripped off by this video is a fucking terrible artist and hasn't seen the internet since 1997.

Non-publication is choosing not to publish your results because [you don't like them/they are not what you expected/whatever], and partial publication is leaving parts of your experiment/results out to alter the method/findings.

Except when you're not action/thriller/shooter/whatever. And what about those kinds of films, should they be filmed in higher FPS to trigger this whole made up logic of yours? Horror films would be awesome if they triggered FoF, much like how games like Flower at 60fps are terrible because they don't let you relax,

Because Peter Jackson and Weta don't know film as well as [insert commenter on Gizmodo here]. Also see the other comments about how other media (largely gaming) is done at 60+fps and realized how outdated that way of thinking is.

Actually, there are two projectors each projecting at the same time at the same frame rate onto the same screen. You're thinking of shitty, physical shutter glasses that you have to use with 3DTVs, but theaters use radially polarized light filtered through polarize lenses to filter the projections to the correct

Agreed. A plate that has an arm inside the front book and sits underneath a few more.

Yeah, it'll just be one end of this methinks. A vertical part will sit inside book's cover, and a horizontal part will sit underneath the other books. Kind of like a bent L.

"Search gets smarter with Google Now. You ask. Google answers, instantly, and with all the detail you want."

SD card, bro.

I feel like you ought to at least humor the rest of us for the sake of democracy. You're about the only person I can see in this thread that insists that this must be reviewed exactly the way you've decided it is designed, rather than how people will use it. So please, for the sake of admitting that other people

Leave slide to unlock, Apple deserves that. But, take away that bullshit expansion to, effectively, "using any touch based gesture to unlock a device". They had patented slide to unlock exactly how it was implemented, then somehow managed to expand it to cover other techniques used by other vendors, and that's