For the sake of playing devil's advocate, I'll point out that fixed gears are by definition the most silent bike you can ride, short of never coasting or shifting on a freewheel.
For the sake of playing devil's advocate, I'll point out that fixed gears are by definition the most silent bike you can ride, short of never coasting or shifting on a freewheel.
Microsoft Glass and Vita control.
I'm giving him back two, because this is by far the best comment here.
Be sure to set aside at least 30 seconds. (Because that's how far along it is right now.)
I don't think that's how percents work...
Spoiler: This is still nothing more than speculation, and should be labeled as such.
Yeah, had a COMPLETE memory lapse on that one. My bad. Either way, I'm sure we can expect Reek in season 3.
Oh boy are you going to hate how book 5 ends... (For Jon and Danerys, specifically.)
Green fork of the Trident, no less! See what they did there?
Huh? Why are you complaining about Reek not being there? He doesn't even exist until AFTER Ramsey Bolton...ummm...plays his role...
If I had that kind of spare change lying around, I'd put some legs on that and have it be a mobile workstation/counter. Rather than using couter/storage space, why not create it? Hang utensils from the bottom, put a small shelf for spices and whatnot, add a magnetic strip for knives... This thing actually has a ton…
Yeah. It's some sort of biomechanical thing, the muscles on its legs are actually muscles.
Rising and Solid are different words. MGS5 is in the works.
Double entendre! Domestic - not foreign, American.
Double entendre! Domestic - not foreign, American.
Oh, I suppose that makes sense. I was imagining a keyboard app that would, for example, play a midi-type file during each keypress.
Yeah, but I'm still just not getting the problem. What's the difference between a game triggering an audio file, and this app doing the same?
Oh god, it is on quickboot! If I take it off, it takes even longer!
Yeah, I've certainly noticed a 7-13 second delay on sound effects in every game I've played on Android. Wait, I haven't. How is it that everyone else is able to make sounds happen at the right time, but these guys aren't?
Are you thinking 480? 'Cause there's a whole lot of things a 460 won't max out.