
@whydoyouwork: Gotta agree with you. It's superbly elegant. The cable's are stowed away out of sight—yet easily accessible—rather than covering the entire back of the unit.

@A7: Huh? Right now its the manufacturer that's being the dick, charging exorbintant fees for use of open source software that, if charged for by other companies, is for a much much lower fee.

@tetracycloide: The cables are all under a removable door that routes them out the back.

@RockyRan: And what have a wall that goes from between your eyes all the way to the screens?

@TenthPlanet: It's a kids' cartoon. They don't have to explain it. Nobody explaied why Bugs Bunny could talk, and nobody was bothered by it.

@dmcshinobi: If you're only using your 3DS on an occasional road trip, then you might want to rethink everything in your life. You know you're allowed to play them and enjoy the games in the comfort of your own home, yeah?

@Maldron: So Animal Crossing doesn't count as "new" because there have been no real changes since the first one? I guess that's fair as long as you lump in every sports franchise ever made and every game that gets yearly updates like CoD.

@dracosummoner: All in a very annoying and unrelenting fashion. If you don't immediately do what she tells you to do, she harasses you every thre seconds or so until you do.

I wonder how many people will refuse to buy this simply because Han shot first and Hayden Christensen is not Vader's spirit.

@Cabs21: Sure, hating it is fine. But why rage over the fact that they're making another? Nobody's making you play it. That's almost as bad as rage over easy mode in Mega Man 10.

@BeefSupreme: Vaid point. Just because the PSP doesn't have a right stick, no future permutations wille ver have one. Just like how the DS will never have an analog slider and the PS1 never got sticks at all.

@Log1c: Way more than worth their weight in gold. Recall and Lotus can go for upwards of $2000 apiece if in perfect condition.

@ForsakenShadow: I really hope you could drop a hovering aircraft with an RPG. It's just a matter of aiming—hit a wing, engine, or propeller for a one hit KO, or one or two on the body. Aircraft aren't all that resilient, unfortunately.

@Meander061: Nono, I say it like it's an awesome thing.

MY favorite part of this is all of the nerd boners in here crying about how anybody could ever think of killing Han and Chewy. It's kind of pathetic, really.

So, don't like Facebook. Great. I applaud your great journalism and hope you might continue to enlighten us on things you don't like by writing aspects of those things in long, pointless and non-humorous lists.

Sucker Punch: Wwhat happens when Zack Snyder wants an excuse to put robots, Nazis, samurai, and dragons in a film.

@Nightwolf10110: Then it's not your kind of game. No need to poop on others' parades just because you don't fancy it.

@petethepanda: They're too busy kicking ass to have the time to take names.