
@Dorian Arbos: Chill on the hostility there, bub. I offered a partial solution, and never labeled it as anything more. Furthermore, I also pointed out that it is not a complete solution, and that I haven't come across a complete solution because this one meets my needs.

@Channan: Oh no, nothing like that! I love it when somebody comes up with a witty comeback or side-splitting anecdote to shoot aback at the article. But these just feel too close to the "FIRST!!!!!!1111!!11!" and "inb4", the spam and the flames; the comments that we fought so hard to eradicate.

@Channan: Yeah, I think so. The tiny drops of rage that fall every time the front page of comments if full of moderately related pictures, or even less moderately related Youtube clips, have finally filled the gas tank that is my heart. And the cerial killer was the match.

@Odin: And then God said, "Let there be UPnP servers," and the streaming video was good.

@Live N Learn: Huh? Double-tapping the shift key seems to have worked for me in the past. Could be wrong though.

Well, it's about time somebody realized that they're the same goddamn thing and treated them as such.

@Jakooboo-Tandy Owner: Never, sadly. The only way that would happen is if people who were unable to see the difference in higher resolution displays, or hear the difference between FLAC and vinyl were unable to reproduce. Should this ever happen, then only those with the mutations for enhanced senses would be able

I'll endorse this. I lost forty pounds in three months, mostly due to the fact that I was drinking upwards of a half-gallon of water a day.

Whichever one you don't have the phone of. I have a Droid, so I bought an iPad, because having a Droid and a Droid with a bigger screen that functions the same is awfully wasteful. The iPad gives me apps and services that Android can't, and vice-versa. Definitely want to have Android on my phone though, it's so

...why are legumes fearing me? I can't imagine a lot of people are planning on putting green beans and peanuts in here.

For me, it was the first episodes being a high school drama. It was completely unbearable.

@negitoro: To be fair, it's wicker basket engineered to hold at least half a ton. I'd be fully aware that I'm more likely to fall off the side than through the bottom, so it would hardly bother me.

Meh, can't be all that bad. The glass cubes in the Sears (WILLIS?!) Tower give the same effect, and I love jumping around and doing handstands in them.

@sweetelectro: (Guitar riff) YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHH...!!!

If you do end up selling it, you can hit me up. I've been looking to pick one up lately, mostly for schoolbooks and such.

@Baraka_Obama: I would have loved this for MGS4. I downloaded all of the cutscenes, but it would be so much better if they were linked with some cut-down gameplay.

@mkirkland: You are correct in that it would make no sense to implement that system on Earth. However, anywhere else in the universe the day as we measure it is absolutely meaningless. Using that time frame on a starship or space station or colony or what have you would be highly arbitrary. The second has a very

@TimeToWakeUp: The standard SI unit of time is the second. Sorry.

@Michael: Aye, I'll second that. Except I look like an asshole when I say these things since a good amount of those whippersnappers are older than me...