
@CSX321: It might say that but it surely doesn't happen. When my internet went out for a weekend, I used my Droid to tether my connection. I used 60GB that month. It was great.

Honestly, I only rooted my droid because I'm too impatient for FroYo to be released for it.

@lpranal: It looks pretty good in comic books.

@batman3ds: Of course it's not Apache, you wrote the server yourself.

So since the comments here have just devolved into listing off random actors who people like, well I'll start with a list. Feel free to add on.

@batman3ds: Clearly you've both got it all wrong. A true nerd creates his own language for every website he makes.

Yeah, awesome original design. Except for the part where they've existed for decades. And they stopped making them because nobody bought them.

@cap-n-crunch: Correct. But realistically, what percent of the population is going to own an Xbox solely for Kinect games or a PS3 just for Move? I'm thinking damn close to zero.

Someone verify my numbers:

@cutmaclass: True, but if you ever want to play non-motion control games with your friends, you'll have to spend another $35 or so per extra Xbox controller you want. Add that on top of the Kinect and you're a whole lot closer to the cost of multiplayer Wii (Also consider that there's relatively little need for

@themightyspitz: Then you just need to catch the rain! Now when there's a long-term eclpise...that's the real problem.

@teotlichan: Aye, but the real problem is ionizing radiation. If only radiation propagated in rays rather than waves, then this would apply. But it does make it less likely that free radicals created by said radiation will hit important DNA.

@François Luong: Yup, the more non-coding DNA the lower the chances of a carcinogen, virus, transposon, etc. randomly hitting a coding region.

@See you suckers later: Not quite, I'm afraid. Introns are sections within coding genes that are excised before transcription. Interestingly, it is possible for two genes to overlap some of their code, and the introns don't have to line up. A surprising number of sections of DNA that are introns for one gene

Wait, non-coding genes as regulators is a new thing? I could have sworn that I learned about this in genetics years ago.

@minibeardeath: Yeah, that's more or less the same as two of mine, where the pins are mirrored inside-outside. Yours is much more elegant though. Dunno about the throughput thing though, USB3 has the same number of pins as USB1 and has about 214654135783218 times the throughput. That's all a matter of protocol and

@Korrupt: The difference being, that by his method multiple people can obtain the music from the sale of a single disc. No different than buying a CD and burning it for your friends, or sharing it via P2P networks.

@Facebook: Well, it seems we're not so different after all. As noted in one of my bajillion comments above, I also support artists by going to concerts and buying merchandise. We just have differing methods of obtaining their music.