I feel like Michigan winters are the only reason why so many muscle car enthusiasts/drivers give me an understanding pass on driving my Jap-O-Nese Impreza in the Motor City.
Do NOT put your feet up on my dash. I don't understand why anyone would feel this is comfortable, much less acceptable. I may not keep my car immaculate, but there's absolutely no reason not to keep your dirty ass feet off a surface that was not designed for them to go. If you do this, I will hammer the accelerator…
I actually had the opposite reaction. I'm far from a fan of woodies, but I would take that mahogany paneled red VWagon in a heartbeat.
I had the exact opposite experience with an ex. She went from a Jeep to a little Kia stick shift, and when she realized how much more engaging driving the manual was, she took advantage of it... by popping the clutch and hammering on the accelerator at every. given. opportunity. She called herself "Speed Racer" on a…
Congratulations, you were successful in causing me to completely lose my shit and guffaw uncontrollably at work for a full 5 minutes straight. Kudos.
I expected all 37 reasons to be "because racecar."
As much as I love the MKIV Supra, I have to say IMHO the only reason it still looks contemporary is because they're so rare now, especially in unmolested stock form, that even just seeing one in person is refreshing.
Honestly, I got a bigger laugh out of +6σ than the OP. Still spot on though.
Ahhhh A2, and now your smug sentiment makes total sense :-P Well, maybe we can make a compromise? Add a few more hipster boutiques to Woodward Ave., give all the homeless and drug addicts a hacky sack, and kick out pretty much every black person who doesn't play ball for the local university, I bet you'll feel right…
Whoa, hold the presses here. You're saying that you've actually *visited* Detroit once? And only 30 years ago, no less? Wowowow, that must make you some kinda bonafide expert, huh mister? Gee golly wilikers, that sure is neat!
Toyota: Moving Forward... Whether You Like It Or Not.
That's actually an excellent way of looking at it, thanks.
"Sure there are some niggles..." Am I the only one who misread this whilst skimming the article?
I'm on the fence about calling the Viper an exotic. Sure, it's pricey, rare, and outrageously styled enough to be one, but at the same time like you said, Vipers are all about brute force: no luxury, scaled-back electronics, no refinement (and I mean that in the best possible way), just pure beast.
"...in which you'll smash up sudafed, combine various chemicals, and cook at the proper temperature to get a good batch of sweet blue crystal."
I agree with all but, "7. Any 4 door sports car." Really? STi? Evo? Focus ST? (Perhaps I'm stretching the definition of sports car a bit far on the last one, but still, 4 [really 5] doors and still goes balls out). I feel like I'd need a pretty solid explanation to accept this one.
Personally, I don't get it either. I don't live in an area that has Chik-fil-a readily available, but I've had it on quite a few occasions while traveling to the South, and every time came to the same conclusion: "Meh. It's chicken. So what's the big deal?"
Currently an iPhone 4S. Previously a Droid X (had for 2 years), and a Crackberry Curve (had for 3 years) before that. Along with an endless slew of candybar and slider phones. I bought car chargers, mounts, and FM transmitters for each of the 3 smartphones, none of them made it to see a new phone (poor little guys).