Soooo at first I totally read that as “mantlers.” I am not a smart man.
Like many small animals, cats have a non-fatal terminal velocity – in cats this is about 60mph. Once they relax, they orient themselves, spread out, and parachute to earth like a squirrel. A 1987 paper in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association studied 132 cases of falling cats. Ninety per cent…
Ethnic heritage is genealogical but gender (as in gender identity, not biological sex) is a socio-cultural construct, so no, it’s not the same thing.
I only went to St. Louis once briefly a while ago, missed out on City Museum, and have regretted it ever since.
But- but- you had City Museum... CITY MUSEUM!!
EDIT: I just noticed your screenname. Well played.
If I'm not mistaken, if it's a licensed service dog, you can legally bring the dog with you into the store, so no leaving the dog in the car at least.
"I seriously hope they're rehabilitated. If it were the same as the case of kids beating a younger kid for "looking like a f**," I say try them as adults because that's just flat out sick hate."
Just to clarify, are you suggesting that systemically taught hate can't be rehabilitated but a clearly batshit insane…
That was my immediate reaction, too— Ida is a solid 10 miles from the southern-most point of what's considered Downriver.
Sorry. I'm so sorry I failed you. Please, take this segment I cut off from my pinkie in a shameful apology.
Yes, this please.
Yes, this please.
It's frowned upon, but it's not illegal except in Saudi and possibly a few other countries. In the majority of countries in the Arab world, it's completely legal for women to drive.
How am I only now learning this?? So many hours wasted on thawing!! SHOUT THIS NEWS FROM MOUNTAIN TOPS, FOR HUMANITY MUST BE MADE AWARE!
I wouldn't want to live in a world where any flag lovin', God fearin' man or woman didn't celebrate the end of their work day by heading to their local assisted living center with a low ball of Seagram's and a fistfull of granite ready to let fly.
But we're still on for the rock throwin', right?
I wouldn't want to date my car either as a Subaru STi translated to a girl would probably subsist on nothing but Monster energy drinks and have the clap.