
You should check out some of Mike DeBalfo's work. Very leggy ;)

They also want to be sexy for battle so that they can defeat their opponent when they hesitate to attack attractive females.

SE doesn't seem to make their decisions based on logic any more. They've become like impulsive kids throwing tantrums when their games do not make money.

To be able to create a sexy elf archer is like the high point of any artist out there.

Can I use on UK PSN ID?

Well deduced. Here, have a candy.

What's your setup? I'm looking to build a PC myself but I'm not sure whether to get one now or maybe in 1-2 years time. Your PC sounds capable!

So the guy who made a mod on the PC for the PC version of Skyrim gets a job at Bungie, a company that hates PC?

Even on the PC 4K gaming is way too expensive! 1080p will be a norm for a while longer.

Can we get a UK guide pls?

That's the joke! You know how people exaggerate the things that might happen in the future!

You get my point!

People expected the next gen consoles to be able to play games at 4K, if only we were to go back in time and tell them that they would be gaming at 720p for the next 10 years...

Haha, this looks like a server room!

That's a PSP next to the laptop, to the right is the PS3 Super Slim.

Me too!

Why is this on Kotaku?

I thought that the manger of the FIFA games was sacked...

You missed the joke lol.