
Didn't they do MGS Rising as well? That was pretty solid.

A+ for presentation.

Oh yeah, trust me, I know, but come on, don't you get the sinking feeling that you won't be able to max out the settings? I don't know about you, but I've always been quite the graphics enthusiast.

You're getting a lot of hate from PCGamers, some of them are right. But as a PCGamer myself, I know what you're talking about. I built my system in mid-2014 and it's about twice as powerful as the PS4. I run games like Battlefield 4 on Ultra settings with 4X MSAA at 60 fps.

That's actually pretty cool of the dev.

Nice try Ubisoft PR.

I think it was because of PETA.

Exactly the point - they don't. But they are marketed in ways that if you don't have the top tier stuff you feel like you've lost something lol.

Probably for the same reason why PCGamers wanted nVidia's Titan lol.

My comment wasn't about the power of the graphics card, but more about how developers fail to optimise their games well these days and then turn around and blame the consumers for not having great hardware.

At this rate, by next year your system will struggle with the latest game. Unless you don't mind 30 fps lol.

Not just you. I have a 280X and I cannot get a consistent 60 even at the lowest settings.

Exactly, not everyone has a server grade CPU with SLI 980s lol. Less than 1% of the total PC population must have that config...

That's cool man. You should continue to support Ubisoft, no matter what all these haters say. Say did you buy the season pass? I'm like wondering what kind of excitement they'll cook up for us in that!

But that's how Casca convinced Brutus to murder Caesar.


Should've mentioned the Last of Us kiss.

Well, that sucks.

Pure Genius.

Ah I see what you mean lol. Wait for the R9 3XX series, that'll be a worthy upgrade.